Chapter Seventeen

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TEARS flowed down her cheeks as she punched Neil's chest. The latter won't budge by what she was doing, which annoyed her more.

What right do he have to give her a frown when she saw him at their house's verandah. He left her without a word for a whole month. It should be her frowning at him.

But how could she do that? She was utterly surprised when she saw him that she ran all the way just to meet him.

Just to know he's real.

"I hate you," she said when she felt tired. She could even feel her tummy aching. She darted a death glare at Neil who had not hid his amusement on her. Her hand went to her tummy to gently stroke it when she turned her back at him to sit at a nearby chair.

She felt him hold her shoulder and her hand, supporting her.

"Don't touch me!" She said pulling her hand off him and whisking his hand on her shoulder.

"I miss you, Nina." She heard him say which made her turn to face him. She felt him kissed her forehead, "I missed you so much." He said raining her face kisses this time.

"I hate you still," she said burying her face on his chest. Her eyes started to well again. She could not understand why she was being a cry baby now that Neil's in front of her. Must it be because she's pregnant?

"I know you miss me too," he said pulling her away to wipe the tears on her wet cheeks.

"Why are you so sickeningly sweet?" She said now pinching his cheek. She was so pissed seeing him smiling at her.

"Because you are my wife, Nina-aw." She pinched harder which obviously hurt him.

"I went to your parents that morning when I made love to you," he started, shifting from his light aura to a serious looking Neil, "I travelled here straight that day to tell your father of what I did. I asked for forgiveness because I broke my promise."


She saw him nodded as he continued, "I told Papa that I love you."

"You-you love me?" Her pinching on his cheek loosened. She was surprised to hear those words on his lips. How it made her hopes high. She felt estatic to finally hear those.

"So I thought of annulment." Was the words he said that sunk her hopes to the lowest pit. She felt hurt.

"Where's the pa-"

"I thought of annulment because I want us to start anew. I want to let you go of this arranged marriage thing. I thought that as soon as the annulment was granted I would court you, this time as a man who loves you."

"You don't need to do that, Neil." She said. "Because I already do love you."

She saw the expression of surprise on his face. How his lips formed into a genuine smile.

"You love me." He claimed, pulling her to his arms.

"I do." She said, feeling shy of her own confession. She buried her face on his chest. Feeling the fast beat of his heart that resonates with hers. She hugged him back.

She did not know how long they stayed that way. All she knew was that she loved them being this close.

"Do you have anything else to say or perhaps tell me?" Asked Neil, feeling his hand caressing her hair. Breaking the silence between them.

She pulled away, enough for her to look at his face. Expectant eyes looked at her, a knowing expression in his face and a smile on his lips.

She did not say anything but, held his hand and led it to her tummy, without breaking their eye contact.

Confused looked surfaced on his face but soon went away. A happy expression had replaced it.

"Thank you." He told her before his face descended on hers.

A gentle kiss followed.

Super short chapter. 😂✌🏼️

Epilogue's up in a jiffy.

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