Chapter Thirteen

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THE soft rustling sound of waves was the only thing Nina could hear. The moon illuminated her surroundings creating that solemn-romantic vibe. She was at the beach, on a part which was isolated from the beach goers this time of the night.

Rather feel alone, Nina felt serene.

She had been sitting on the sand and looking at the sea for an hour now. She had with her three cans of root beer, all spent up. She rested her chin on her knees as she hugged her limbs. It was getting cold and she felt chilly too.

They are at La Union now and was staying at a resort owned by one of Lola Josephina's nephew. It was a petty late honeymoon gift coming from Neil's grandmother.

Something that was forced on both of them.

Lola Josephina's one aggressive granny who would not stop till she gets what she wants.

This crap sent a rush of color on her face the moment their granny announced what she wanted as a gift on her birthday.

A great-grandson from her and Neil.

But what bugged her most was what Neil told her.

"Last night," she blurted out of the blue.

Last night was one awkward night for her and Neil. She could not believe him with what he said.

That she said she loves him in her sleep.

"But why?" She asked herself but could not find an answer.

She let out a humorless laugh.

Loving Neil was not what she was feeling. She could say that she was slowly seeing him in a much positive light. But, loving him was way too far at this moment.

There is still Enrico.

Or rather, was?

Droplets of water on her skin interrupted her thoughts. She looked up to see the clear night sky just minutes ago had formed a mass of dark clouds looming over the earth. She closed her eyes as she welcomed those raindrops on her face that felt like gentle kisses of a mother to her child.

When was the last time I bathed in the rain? She thought to herself. She realized how she held back on a lot of fun things since her arranged marriage. How dull she led her life. How uneventful those passed years were and how she was so passive.

How she regret it all now.

She opened her eyes when she realized that the droplets of water gently hitting her face were gone. On top of her was a yellow colored umbrella, shading her from the rain. Her eyes then traced the hand holding its handle to meet those familiar dark orbs that had mystified her for the past years, Neil's.

"What do you think you're doing Nina?" He asked her. There was a hint of worry and irritation evident in his voice. He must have been looking for her all over the place for the past hour.

She had not bothered to tell him where she was going as he was busy catching up with childhood friends he met at the resort. Patiently staying at their hut would make her end up worried sick. She took the chance to roam around and enjoy her time alone, away from her dread and the cause of her dread.


Instead of answering him, a smile formed on her face before looking away.

"How did you know I am here?" She casually asked. Her eyes fixed on the waves, now reaching the tip of her toes.

"Someone saw you heading here earlier," she heard him say which formed a faint smile on her lips.

Why does she feel so... disappointed?

"Sorry," was all she could say. She shivered when a gust of chilly wind touched her bare skin. It was really time to go, the mild sprinkles of water became heavy droplets.

She took the cans beside her and stood up.

"It would be one chilly night, don't you think?" she said trying to make a small talk with Neil.

Instead of a response, she felt Neil's hand snaked on her waist making her pressed closer to his body. Something that sent her looking at him. A small gasped escaped from her lips when she came face-to-face with Neil, hers just an inch from his. She knew a little nudge would send her lips touching his.
His lips that was soft and warm.

How does it feel being finally kissed by those lips? She thought.

"Nina?" She heard Neil asked. There was a faint scent of alcohol from his breathe which sort of smell intoxicatingly sweet to her sensitive nose.

She blinked when she realized her gaze had been locked on Neil's lips. She felt a rush of heat on her cheeks as her thoughts run wild again. She shifted her face away and pretended to shake off the specks of sand that clung on her summer dress.

"Let's go," she heard him say. She nodded as a response. His hand had not left where it was as they walked toward their hut. His warmth sent a little comfort from the chilly breeze. No one spoke as they trailed the path to their hut.

He had not let her go when they reached their destination. Instead he seemed to savor that intimate moment they had.

"The keys Neil," she said as she gently held his hand off her waist. She took a step away not looking at him. She felt quite embarrassed to face him due to her thoughts from earlier. She knew well that it would show on her face.

She was waiting for him to move, put the key to the keyhole and open the door for them to go inside, for them to go in to their separate rooms and call it a day.

With questioning eyes she turned to him, ready to command him but, found herself being pulled closer. His arm wrapped on her waist and his hand supporting the back of her head.

And there she felt it.

His soft and warm lips touching hers.


A short comeback update.

Sorry. I just felt that this is just this. Haha!

Hit me complaints. 😘

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