Chapter Three

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THE weather seemed to sympathize with Nina. It was a rainy day. The mid-morning breeze penetrated her veil, feeling the damp cool wind on her face. She stood at the closed wooden door in front of her. She stared at the intricate details of vines and grapes while waiting for the time of her entry.

Thoughts had been flooding her mind. She could still run to stop the marriage but, she could not do so. She was somewhere in Manila and had no idea on where to go.

Sadness embraced her as thoughts of Enrico came to mind. He was her only saving grace yet he was no where to be found. She had not had the chance to see him again after that fateful day. He went back to Manila, shortly before the fiesta ended.

"Nina, you are next." Informed the lady that perhaps was the organizer of this sham wedding. She did not respond but instead clenched her teeth together.

Anger rose inside her as she watched the wooden door opened in front of her. Revealing the altar and expectant people inside the church.

She was met by her parents. Her Mama fixing her veil and saying things she was not even listening too. Her Papa remained quiet after he offered his arm to her which she reluctantly took.

She was still mad of what he had done.

They then started walking.

Nina could no longer contain the tears that freely streamed down her cheeks. Every step she took felt more like dragging than walking. It was her wedding day.

She should be happy. Her lifelong dream of walking down the aisle finally came true. But, she could not. How could she be when the guy she wanted to marry and spend her whole life with was not the same guy waiting for her on this walk.

The crowd seemed to mistake her tears as tears of joy. She wanted to scream. She badly wanted to run away and be with Enrico.

But then she could not.

She could not bear hurt her family and disgrace their good name.

Her family prevented her every chance to meet Enrico. She had not seen him nor heard from him since that fateful morning, which changed her life forever.

Everything that happened was his fault.

She shot a glare to the guy standing beside her Kuya Lorenzo. His face was grim. He looked more like attending a funeral than a wedding. She could not even bear say his name. She hated him so much for ruining half of her life dreams.

She was murdering him in her thoughts when she felt a pinch on her arm. She turned to look at her mother. Her mother then leaned to her and whispered.

"You are shaking, Nina dear." She sensed worry in her mother's words. She bit her lip as she felt the evidence of her mother's words. Her hands holding her bouquet was the most obvious of all. "If you're not well, I could request to cancel this wedding."

She wanted to spat that very moment at her mother. How could she suggest such when they are now in the middle of the aisle? There are a lot of people watching their, her every move.

This was all their parents' stupid idea.

This forced marriage to save her from disgrace. How could she back out now?

"Mama, I'm fine. This is just some form of wedding jitters." She managed to say in a calm voice.

She felt relieved as her mother did not bother to talk anymore. She knew why. They've reached the end of the walk. Her father was now handing her hand to the guy she hated the most. She wanted to pull her hand back but, her father's grip was stone hard.

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