Chapter 12

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The next morning I woke up on one of Steve's worn out couches. Everyone else was asleep. I had a hangover and my head hurt, I rubbed my temples to try and soothe the pain.

Everyone else was sleeping in, so I decided to let myself out for a walk. I grabbed Travis' over-sized leather jacket and threw it over me, then I opened the door and walked outside.

The nice, cool air welcomed me and I felt calm. I started to walk down the street and I hadn't realized I was walking forever now. I reached in my leather skirt's pocket and pulled out a five, maybe I'll just grab myself a cola or something.

"Pop is not good for you, especially in the mornings. You know better." Mrs. Ian's voice crept into my head; I remember her telling me this when I tried to steal some of Mr. Ian's Pepsi from the counter and was caught red-handed.

When I reached the grocery store, I walked over to the vending machine by the entrance.

'Out of order' was printed in front of the buttons.

"Piece of shit," I whispered to myself. I had to go in now.

I trailed inside and found the cooler, I pulled out a small coca-cola and placed it on the belt.

"99 cents." The old lady said to me. All I had on me was five, so I handed it to her and she rolled her eyes, only expecting a lousy dollar bill.

She handed me my change back and pushed the soda over to me.

"Thanks," I spit and grabbed my pop.

I walked into the street and realized, it was way too early to be doing this shit. It was bright and a lot of cars honked at me, probably teasing me for my crude appearance. I decided to take the back roads, the one behind the store that led me to a steep alleyway.

Despite the bright morning's sunlight, it was pretty dark in this alleyway. I walked and saw two people, one looked like a woman in her early thirties, late twenties. Another was a man.

"Thanks honey," The woman accepted the crumbled cash and shoved it in her black purse, then the man left.

I walked slowly past her and then she stopped me.

"Haven't seen you. You from around here?" She asked, her voice was deep and she had wrinkles, making her look noticeably older than what she probably is.

"Yeah.." I answered. Why is this hooker talking to me?

"I got some goodies if you are looking for a fun time," the old woman opened her purse to reveal her collection of drugs.

"I'm broke so thanks, I'm good." I rolled my eyes.

She gestured towards my outfit and I laughed.

"Okay, are we done here?" I asked.

I haven't gotten a clear look at her face, except for when I noticed her wrinkles. This woman looked young and old at the same time, how that is possible, I wouldn't know. She looked under the influence of drugs for years and she looks like death. But when I reached her eyes, my heart stopped.

My mother.

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