Chapter 4

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"That one! It's gorgeous Hermione!" Ginny gasped.

She started slowly walking around Hermione, who had just walked out of the dressing room of a rather upscale boutique. Ginny pulled the zipper up the last unreachable inch and stood back.

"You think so?" Hermione spun around in front of the three way mirror. She gingerly pulled at the bottom hem. "You don't think it's too short?"

"Just short enough. Not buying this dress would be a crime against your wardrobe."

Hermione continued to inspect her reflection for another few minutes. The dress was beautiful. It was a deep plum color, with one strap of floral, corded lace sweeping over her left shoulder, leaving her other bare. The light, gauzy skirt stopped just above her knees.

"It's not exactly modestly priced though is it?" Hermione chewed her lower lip, eyeing up the silver price tag, dangling from her right armpit. "Pretty sure that's our grocery budget for a whole month."

"So we have a few consecutive nights of beans on toast. When was the last time you treated yourself like this?" Ginny asked, smoothing minuscule wrinkles from the dress.

"At least I'll look classy while I eat my beans," Hermione laughed, spinning one last time as Ginny let out a victorious whoop. "Will you fix my hair for me?"

Ginny's eyes went wide and she nodded eagerly. She was constantly asking Hermione for permission to style her hair, but Hermione rarely let her. She was perfectly fine with simple buns and ponytails, and it drove Ginny nuts. She felt that with Hermione having a nice, calm job in the Ministry, she should take a little more time with her appearance; her common phrase being that Hermione's soft, thick hair was wasted hidden in an elastic.

"Who are you looking to impress tonight?" Ginny teased as Hermione locked herself back in the dressing stall.

"No one in particular," Hermione answered. She was happy to be separated by a curtain or else her blush would have immediately given her away. Seeing Fred at the hotel, smiling and laughing, helped put her worrying mind at ease. It had also solidified the fact that her infatuation with him wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon, so she may as well just embrace it. She had decided that there was definitely a flirty spark between them in his kitchen and it couldn't hurt to see if that spark might turn into a flame.

After plunking down a small fortune for her dress, Hermione and Ginny wove their way through the crowds to a second-hand shop to find a few accessories. Ginny discovered a faux opal pendant to go with the slinky black dress she had purchased. Hermione forewent a necklace, but did snag a pair of dangly pearl earrings, with a matching bracelet.

After a quick lunch, they made their way back to the hotel.

"You got us quite a nice room," Ginny said, hanging up her dress and sinking into a plush armchair.

"I know. Have you seen the view? We overlook the pool," Hermione said, opening up the door to the balcony. "I've been spending every evening out here, enjoying the view." Hermione stepped outside and leaned against the railing.

"But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun," a voice called from below.

Hermione looked down and was surprised to see Fred grinning back at her. He was shirtless, in swim trunks and sunglasses. She hoped the odd angle and bright sunlight would obscure the blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Since when do you know Shakespeare?" Hermione called back.

"Are you calling us uneducated?" George cried, appearing beside his brother.

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