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He's asleep. Or was, before a certain someone decided to wake him. The light blanket they slept under is down to his hips, but Harry doesn't feel a difference in temperature.

Bloody heat waves.

''Babe.'' The voice is there again, along with a body, pressing against his back. It's hot, but not necessarily in a bad way. ''Wake up.''

''Wha for?'' Harry grumbles into his pillow, picking up the hand slung over his waist and hugging it to his chest. A kiss is pressed to the back of his neck.

''We have over an hour before the kids wake up.''

''Oh?'' This catches his interest, and Harry twists around until he's facing Zayn, already more awake. ''Want to start the day right?''

''We're going to need it.''

(start of sexual content)

''Alright.'' Harry rolls back over, snatching breath mints from his nightstand and tossing one to Zayn while popping one into his own mouth. ''You lock the door.''

''You're weird,'' Zayn comments, but he gets out of bed and does as told.

''Well-'' Harry cocks an eyebrow- ''you knew that when you married me. Also, why tolerate morning breath when you don't have to?''

''I guess you're right.'' Zayn moves over to his own nightstand, tugs open the drawer and throws the bottle of lube at Harry. It hits him in the shoulder.

''Such a romantic.'' Harry snorts. ''Want me to go ahead and undress myself?''

''Sure,'' Zayn deadpans. ''And while you're at it, make sure to prep yourself. I'm not bottoming.''

Harry's hands pause on the way to his briefs. ''I thought it was your turn?''

''Nope.'' Zayn holds the box of condoms upside down, but nothing comes out. Empty. ''You put back the empty box. Again.''

''Oh.'' Harry feels his face redden and shrugs. ''You know I can't think clearly when- never mind. I'll get to it.''

''Hey.'' Zayn gets back on the bed, makes Harry look up into his eyes with a finger hooked under his chin. ''There's no need to rush.''

''Right.'' Harry drops the bottle again, sinks into the pillows. ''Habit, you know.''

''I know, babe.'' Harry tilts back his head, sighing when he feels Zayn press soft kisses down his neck. ''We can be efficient when we need to be.''

''Hm,'' Harry hums in agreement, closing his eyes and focusing on the feeling of lips on his skin, going down, stopping at the edge of his briefs. ''But not today.''

''Not today.''

Harry watches as Zayn takes off his own briefs, then wriggles on the bed to help slip off his. He tugs Zayn down on the bed, rolls them over so he's on top of Zayn, leg pressed between his. They take their time to kiss, something they don't get to do often, not like this. Pressed close together and feeling everything heat up from the inside out as they inhale each other, tasting tongue and lips.

Slowly but surely Harry can feel his own dick harden where it's pressed against Zayn's hip, pausing their kissing to shove the bottle of lube in Zayn's hand and targeting his neck with his lips instead to give him room to see what he's doing. A cold, slicked finger brushes against his hole, making him shudder.

''Sorry,'' Zayn mumbles, circling one arm around Harry's waist, keeping their chests pressed together.

'''S fine.'' Harry's breath hitches when a finger slips in. He leans onto his forearms, arches his back so he can gaze into Zayn's eyes, and they're so deep, deep like the finger pressed inside him. Two, now.

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