Part 15

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This is a weird Saturday, Harry thinks as he walks down to the bakery. Alone. It kind of feels like he forgot a limb, or left his house without his phone. Okay so he actually did leave his apartment without his phone, but only because he's going across the street for a bit.

The weird thing is that Liam's nowhere to be seen. Harry even waited outside his apartment for a bit, but Liam didn't show. So now he's crossing the street by himself, pausing on his way when he sees a familiar head of black hair through the glass window. When he opens the door he's greeted by Al.

And Zayn.

''Morning, you two.'' Harry raises his eyebrows at Zayn, who just shakes his head and mouths outside. ''You know it, Al.''

''Already on it,'' the man scoffs. ''You lot are too predictable.''

Harry shrugs. ''And I'm okay with that.''

Al hands Harry his bag, accepting his money in return. ''You do pay me, so I don't care,'' he says, holding the money up in the air.

''Keep the change.'' Harry's already at the door, holding it open for Zayn. Al just salutes them and goes back to work, to do whatever he does. Harry doesn't know. Probably bake.

''Hey.'' Zayn stops Harry with a hand on his arm as soon as the door closes behind them, the bell chiming.

''Everything okay?'' Harry can't help but ask, because this is out of the ordinary. This being Zayn going to the bakery, which he rarely does. Never, actually, now Harry thinks about it. Liam always does it for him.

Zayn shrugs, his arm dropping to his side. ''We had a... disagreement? It was kind of a fight, actually. Just needed some time apart to cool down.''

Harry doesn't need to ask who he's talking about, so he offers him a small smile. ''Sorry to hear that.''

''Well, it's part of a relationship, right?'' Zayn grimaces. ''Although, we fight so rarely that I- We're really bad at it, if that makes sense?''

''What do you mean?''

Zayn sighs, rubbing a hand at the back of his neck. ''Like, we don't know what to do afterwards. Or even during.''

''Ah.'' Harry nods, biting down onto his lower lip.

''You have no clue what I mean, do you?'' Zayn is smiling again, which Harry counts as a victory. He's never been in a relationship long enough to fight much. His longest lasting relationship has been without fights, but that might have been because of the lack of passion. There was simply no heat to fuel the fire.

Harry shakes his head and starts crossing the street. ''Nope.''

''You know-'' Zayn slings an arm around his shoulder, bringing their heads closer together- ''because you're such a good friend, you'd love to spend the day with me to cheer me up.''

''That's not a question.'' Harry sighs, the arm around his shoulder is really messing with his thoughts. Everything about Zayn messes with his thoughts, and he knows he's not going to be able to refuse. Not when it means he'll get to spend the day with Zayn. Just the two of them.

''But,'' he looks at Zayn, who has that expectant smile, like he knows what's coming already, ''you're right.''

''Woop woop!'' Zayn exclaims, punching the air. ''I knew it.''

Harry shakes his head, muttering to himself, ''I'm friends with a child.''


Niall again proves to be the best best friend one could wish for.

Saturdays are their thing, an evening for just the two of them because they so rarely get to see each other. Only, this day, Zayn is joining them. Harry didn't even have to explain, because Niall knows. He knows that Harry can't pass up an opportunity to spend time with Zayn. Aside from that, Niall is also nosy and wants to find out all about Harry's crush.

Harry doesn't blame him. He would do the same.

''He'll be here soon,'' Harry tells Zayn, pocketing his phone. They're sitting outside while it's still possible, before autumn creeps in with its rain and colder temperatures. Neither of them feel the need to talk, having done nothing else all day, so they're sitting in a comfortable silence.

It's difficult not to let your eyes wander when there's no conversation. Harry has to stop himself from staring at Zayn sitting opposite him, who looks too good in the low lighting; long lashes and soft eyes, lips stretched in a lazy smile. It's a major difference from this morning when Zayn seemed on edge, too energetic and cheerful. Not that Zayn isn't cheerful, but Harry could see it was a tiny bit forced. Now he's himself again.

Just the way Harry likes him.

Their eyes meet again, which happens every once in a while, but this time Zayn holds the gaze, head tilting to the side. ''I- Thanks for spending the day with me.''

''No need to thank me. I enjoyed it.'' Harry fiddles with his hands under the table, suddenly nervous. He's okay with joking and light moods, finds that he effortlessly comes up with replies and things to say, but as soon as things turn serious, he is speechless. Add Zayn to that mix, and he won't be able to say anything at all.

Zayn's still smiling, which is a good sign. ''I did kind of force you, though.''

''You know there's no need for force.'' Harry quickly drops his hand when he realises he's pulling on his bottom lip again. Nervous habit. He also does it when he's thinking. Those two seem to go together a lot.

''No?'' Zayn takes a sip from his drink. Hot chocolate; he's been craving it all day. Harry remembers laughing at him when he confessed it. Turns out Zayn has a bit of a sweet tooth. Not that it should be a surprise, when Harry sees what Liam buys sometimes.

Harry shakes his head. ''No. I like spending time with you.''

''So, we could hang out more often? I mean, we live next to each other. We should take advantage of that.''

''When you put it that way, I can't really say no.'' Harry can't help smiling when Zayn beams at him, and lifts his own mug to hide behind it.

''Don't tell me you're drinking hot chocolate.''

Harry whips around in his chair, eyebrows raised in surprise when he sees Louis with Niall trailing behind him.

''Lou! Aren't you working?'' Harry gets up to fetch another chair from a nearby table, offering it to Louis.

''Thanks, and no. Obviously not. A gig just got cancelled.'' Louis sits, leaning back in his chair. ''I'd love for my job to be sitting around and ordering drinks, but I'm not that lucky.''

Niall sits across from Louis. ''I don't think anyone is, mate.''

''I am,'' Zayn pipes up, shrinking in his seat when everyone gives him a funny look. ''Just kidding...''

''Harold,'' Louis sighs, pointing a finger at Harry. ''Your jokes might actually not be the worst.''

Harry rolls his eyes at him. ''Of course not.They're the best.''

Happy new year everyone!! Starting the year with chapter 15 :) The next one will be up on Tuesday.

All the love xxx <3

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