Part 4

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The next morning Harry's grumpy and sleepy. His night was disturbed because he couldn't rest his face on his pillow properly, and on top of that he woke up in the middle of it to reapply the balm. He normally isn't one to complain about having to wake up early, but this time he understands the enormous dislike people have towards mornings, because they come entirely too soon.

Today they'll have to be okay with Harry not being at work as early as he normally is. All his movements feel slowed and it almost takes him double the time to finish his breakfast. Or maybe time is just moving faster. He puts all his dishes in the sink, and opens his fridge to find the juice. As he carries the carton over to the table he notices it feels light, making a mental note to buy a new one when he gets the chance. When he looks down at the table he can't seem to find his glass and with a groan realises he dumped it in the sink with the rest of the dishes.

The frustration doesn't end there. Just as he's about to leave his apartment, patting his pockets to make sure he didn't forget anything, he remembers to bring the pot of balm with him. Harry's not putting any more of the baby butt stuff on his face. The little pot just barely fits in his pocket, bulging stupidly. He refuses to bring a bag with him, though. It all fits, so why would he need one? He's ready to leave and it turns out he's not much later than usual.

When he closes his door, Harry gets really confused for a second because, did he hear his door close twice? His question is answered when he looks to his right, only to see Zayn standing there with a baffled expression.

''That's some freaky timing,'' Harry's mouth runs away, while his eyes finally get a chance to really look at Zayn and oh. So Harry's never actually bothered to ask about Zayn's job yet and he is very curious now because he's wearing a suit. An honest to God suit with a tie and he looks so good Harry very much wants to curl up in a ball, and... His brain short-circuits because Zayn is also carrying one of those document cases.

He totally looks like a hot nerdy professor.

''I wasn't aware you left at this hour,'' Zayn says, ignoring Harry's comment. ''Didn't run into you yesterday.'' He almost sounds sorry about that, but maybe that's just wishful thinking on Harry's part.

Harry opens and closes his mouth, unsure of what to say. He was about to blurt he's late today and always leaves earlier than this, but then his brain comes back to life and tells him he shouldn't. This is an excellent opportunity. ''I actually was too early yesterday.''

''So you always leave at this time?'' Zayn asks with an adorable head tilt. Harry has to stifle a surprised sound because he just thought of his neighbour as adorable. How can someone be hot and adorable at the same time? The proof seems to be standing in front of him. Expecting an answer.

''Yes! Just the weekdays.'' Harry nods along to himself, having trouble holding Zayn's gaze because it's so - not intense. That's not the word. Open? It screams patience and friendliness and when Harry looks back to the document case Zayn's holding, it suddenly makes sense. ''You're a teacher.''

Zayn smiles, wide and bright. ''You're observant.''

Harry is also speechless. He made Zayn smile, which is so much better than their first meeting where he could practically feel the discomfort radiating off Zayn.

''I can be.'' Harry smiles back. It feels good to smile, especially when he means it. He slowly starts walking towards the stairwell, waiting for Zayn to catch up. ''What do you teach?'' he asks him as they slowly descend.

''English. I think the kids like me enough. The subject not so much, I think.''

''I don't blame them,'' Harry says, chuckling when Zayn whips his head around to look at him. ''I mean, the content isn't bad. It's the way it's taught, but that goes for any subject. The system just takes all the joy out of learning, you know?'' That manages to shut Zayn up for the remainder of their descent, even until they're standing outside, the smells of the bakery across the street permeating the air.

Zayn finally looks up again, smiling at Harry a little sadly. ''I get it. I remember when I got out of school it took me too long to pick up reading for pleasure again. The way it's done just... yeah.''

''Nothing you can do about it.'' Harry shrugs, wanting to stick his hands into his pockets only to find that they're full. Instead he just holds them behind his back, circling his thumbs around each other. ''But it helps to have a teacher who is passionate. And nice.''

''I guess.'' Zayn ducks his head and Harry recognises the gesture, he does the same when he's slightly embarrassed but also pleased. It's sweet.

''Well, work is waiting,'' Harry announces, even if he doesn't mind letting it wait to spend some extra time with Zayn. Since when did he become that person? After saying their goodbyes and heading off in opposite directions, his thoughts circle around some more. He has to seriously think about what he's doing, because there's Liam. Zayn is seeing someone, and Harry has to respect that. There's a certain line in conversations he shouldn't cross, which he is very aware of. He just hopes he doesn't come across as too flirty, because he's been told that's just the way he is. Even Niall told him that his ''charms would get him into trouble,'' and that can't happen with Zayn. All he has to do is wait out his crush so he could perhaps gain another friend. Maybe two, depending on what kind of person Liam is.

In theory everything should work out, but withHarry things are never sure.

Short but sweet lil chapter there! Hope you had a lovely weekend. The next one will be up on Wednesday.

See you then! xxx <3

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