Part 12

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Harry's trying to think at what point his reaction to Liam's rambling went from slightly annoyed to fond. He's barely gotten a word in himself on their way to the bakery, but he just patiently listens and nods whenever needed. Although it's nice to not have to talk once in a while, especially when he hasn't been awake for very long and his brain is still trying to get out of its slumber.

''...Oh, and I got a new job? I should have told you that first, shouldn't I?'' Liam stops him with a hand on his shoulder.

It takes Harry a few seconds to realise he has to respond with more than a simple nod. ''What? Oh, congratulations!''

''You were totally zoning out, weren't you?'' Liam nudges their shoulders together. ''It's alright, I don't blame you. My rambling can get tiring.''

''I don't mind.'' Harry hides a yawn behind his hand as they cross the street. ''But why a new job?''

''Well, the location is better and it's more modern. My old school refuses to go along with the times.''

''Huh,'' Harry says as he opens the door to the bakery, ''that's weird.''

''Their loss.'' Liam throws in a wink over his shoulder before greeting Al. It really shows how long it's been when even Liam can say he'll get ''the usual.'' Time flies and you don't even realise it, not until you notice something that makes you do the math - a few times just to check - because it can not have been that long. He shouldn't be surprised, really. Time can only move forwards, anyway.

Once they're on their way back, Liam levels him with a serious expression. ''So, I need to tell you some things about the wedding.''

''Oh. Sure?''

Liam waits for them both to enter the stairwell before he speaks again. ''You know, with the theme being prom and all, my sister wanted to have the couples take photos before they enter.''

Harry pauses on the stairs. ''And you need me to take them.''

''Well, yes. But I'm telling you because you'd need a- what's it called? A tripod?''

''I've got one of those, yeah.'' They reach the top of the stairs, where Zayn is waiting for them. Even if he stopped being suspicious, he still waits and chats with Harry. It's stupid how much it cheers him up, really.

''Morning, Zayn.'' Harry's surprised when Liam just pecks Zayn on the cheek and goes back inside, leaving the two of them alone. Every time he sees them act like a couple, he feels... It aches. It just reminds him of what he can't do and how hopeless he really is.

''Hey, Harry. Doing anything fun today?''

''Um.'' Freaking out, maybe? ''Not sure yet. Feel like I should take advantage of the good weather now we still have it.''

Zayn just chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the side. ''Don't jinx it now.''

''The weather won't do that. It loves me.''

''You're strange sometimes.'' Harry knows Zayn doesn't mean it as a bad thing because he's still smiling, which makes Harry feel a bit lightheaded because it's like he's staring at the sun. Not that doing that would cause lightheadedness. Even his thinking is off.

''Only sometimes?'' Harry does what he does best; make fun of himself. It's his default mode when he can't think properly.

Zayn nods at himself, as if he knows something Harry doesn't. ''Yes, only sometimes. You're not that bad.''

''That is the most impressive compliment anyone has ever given me.''

''Now you're just pulling my leg,'' Zayn deadpans.

''Who knows? Maybe I'm telling the truth. I've heard I can be strange, sometimes.''

''You know,'' Zayn says, slowly retreating into his apartment, ''I'm leaving, before I actually hit you.''

''Sounds like you have some issues controlling your emotions.'' Harry nods seriously, tapping his chin with his finger. ''You should see someone about that.''

That gets him an actual laugh, one that bursts from Zayn's lips in an adorable half-giggle. Harry doesn't care how big his own smile is, because it feels so good to make Zayn laugh. He's practically high.

''See you, idiot.''

He can't even argue with that, because he is an idiot, especially for Zayn.

Aand that was chapter 12! We'll be returning to the normal schedule now, which means the next part will be up on Wednesday.

Also, we've reached 1k reads!! Thank you all so much :)

Love you xxx <3

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