Part 25

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Driving to his old home is something Harry used to dread, because spending hours by yourself in a car isn't what he thinks of as a great way to pass time, only this time he's not alone. Zayn is with him.

Which means they can suffer together.

''Hey.'' Harry pokes Zayn in the side when he's about to fall asleep with a half-eaten croissant in his hand, making sure to keep his other hand on the wheel. ''Wakey wakey.''

Zayn grunts, not opening his eyes but resuming his eating. ''Early.''

Harry rolls his eyes. ''You knew we were leaving early, yet you still wanted to stay up to finish the episode.'' He glances at Zayn from the corner of his eye, who is now grumpily munching on his breakfast, and adds, ''And then you watched another one.''

''Not my fault there was a cliffhanger,'' Zayn defends himself, appearing slightly more awake.

''You wouldn't have seen the cliffhanger if you didn't finish the episode,'' Harry argues.

''Because that's not a cliffhanger?''

''Drink your coffee.''

''Bossy,'' Zayn mumbles, but still grabs his travel mug.

''Grumpy,'' Harry counters, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling.

''Know what would cheer me up?'' Zayn twists in his seat, facing Harry.

Harry keeps only part of his attention on the road, which is nearly empty because it's a Saturday morning and most people are probably sleeping in, instead of on their way somewhere. ''What's that?''

''Pull over and I'll show you.''



They make it to his mother's house unscathed, save for cramped muscles and rumbling stomachs. It's lunch-time, and Harry's mum promised them homemade sandwiches.

But not before a proper greeting.

Harry has just enough time to close the car door before she's hugging him, whispering how much she missed him and kissing him on his cheeks. From years of experience, he knows to just let her do her thing. Not that he hates the attention. He missed his mother, too.

''You must be Zayn,'' she says, and Harry watches as she walks to the other side of the car to kiss him on the cheek and give him a hug. It's not as enthusiastic as she was with Harry, but he knows she'll grow to love Zayn.

When Harry is done carrying their bags upstairs to his old bedroom - which is now the guest room - he joins them in the kitchen, where the promised sandwiches are lying on a platter, next to a large pot of tea. They sit on the high stools, the ones Harry knows not to lean back on because he will fall, and eat quietly for the first few minutes.

It's strange, how well Zayn fits in the picture. For as long as Harry can remember it's always been him and his mother - sometimes his step-father Robin, but he's away on a business trip now. But now there's a third member, sitting with them like he's been there from the very start.

His mother doesn't waste any time, dives right into the childhood stories about Harry growing up in this very house, about his shenanigans in the backyard on the lawn mower, even about the bakery he used to work at.

''You should show him around,'' she tells Harry, refilling their cups with tea. It's a bit stronger than what Harry likes, but he drinks it nonetheless.


''Be back by dinner,'' she interrupts him. ''That will still give us plenty of time.''

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