Tough call

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Written 2012 by VeGirl

Damon and I sat by the breakfast table the next morning. He had made scrambled eggs and toasts for us while I was in the shower. It felt nice that we had the moment alone and the breakfast was very tasty even if my stomach churned with worry for Anna. I could feel my strength returning.

Damon kissed me and went to the shower while I stayed put with a glass of orange juice in my hand. The morning sun shone in through the kitchen window, I opened the patio-doors and stepped outside letting the sun warm my face.

After the shower Damon came and told me Elijah had called and said if we came over, he would set up a meeting with Klaus.

I went into fighting mode in an instant.

"Well, let's go then!" I said impatiently and anger filled my voice even though I knew it was misguided.

"Well don't kill the messenger," he mumbled tart and I gave him an apologetic smile.

I took his hand and pulled him out the door and towards his car. "You're my saviour and protector, I need you with me!"

Damon just smiled.

Of course he came with me, I doubted he would have let me go on my own, and I was really glad to have him by my side when I was about to walk into the lion's den.

"I don't trust Klaus one bit. He's a psychotic maniac and you have to be very careful. If he says blink, I suggest you blink!" We tried to get some strategies clear in the car on our way over.

"He's a prat," I just said with my teeth clenched together.

Damon smiled with a shrug. "Yeah, he's a jerk, but he's a jerk working on crazy. That's way worse!"

I tried to smile, but I don't think it could break through the worry and anger.

Elijah was his usual gentleman-self, and showed us into the parlour. He did his best to calm me, because even though I was a little intimidated to be there, I was getting more and more worried about Anna and her safety. Worried and mad.

Klaus came in with a smirk on his face; I jumped up and launched myself at him, absolutely exploding in anger. I shoved him in the chest, hitting and pounding him. "What did you do to her?"

His smile disappeared in an instant and his eyes became cold like a shark's. He pressed his lips in a thin line and glared at me as I kept pushing and hitting him. His face was as hard as a mask that got more and more blurry as my tears started to cloud my eyesight.

"Give her back to me!"

"Damon, would you please control your human." He kept his eyes on Damon, but his jaws were hard set and he spat out the last word.

I really saw red and didn't hear if he said woman or human.

Damon took me by the arm, led me to the couch and sat me down next to him. Both Elijah's and Damon's existence in the room had been totally lost on me as soon as I saw Klaus. It calmed me a little now.

"You can't just kidnap people!"

"Okay, granted, that's a little extreme; I get moody," Klaus said with a shrug and a smile. My God! How did he do that; just turning on and off that charming smile.

"What have you done to Anna?" I was getting really mad and took a step closer to him.

His smile disappeared instantly. "Why does everyone always think it's my fault when things happen? It's just like my stepfather! What is it that makes everybody blame me?"

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself," I spat out, glaring at him.

He looked surprised at me.

"You're not the only one who had a rough childhood. I don't know who my father is, and my mother abandoned me when I was one year old. I stayed in 14 different foster families before I was eleven years old. You know what? I got over it," I poked him in the chest again. "What have you had; a thousand years? Get over it!" I kept poking him in the chest even though I saw he was getting mad.

"Well brother, she has a point," I heard Elijah say and we both turned around to look at his slightly smiling face. I was drawn to his dark eyes that seem to always hide secrets; they were always filled with silent laughter.

Klaus kept glaring at me, but said nothing.

~~~  A/N ~~~

Hope you liked it!

// V.G.


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