(9) Author Interview: _Karma_

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Q.1) Describe yourself in one word.


Q.2) Have you ever experienced of a time where you thought of giving up writing? Any dark moments?

No never, I've always wanted to write. I went though a period where i couldn't write, kind of a mixture of writers block and busy schedule, but now I always make time for my stories. An my life is dark haha ;)

Q.3) What's your happy place that you go to when you write?

I don't really have a happy place, I'm happy when I'm writing but I always imagine being part of the story, imagine it first hand if you know what I mean.

Q.4) How did you came across Wattpad?

Well in high school, there was a new kid I became friends with and she introduced me to it, I've been addicted ever since.

Q.5) How did you came up with the title of your book(s)?

Well I get inspiration for a story and if I think enough into it I just begin to think of a title and, I dunno really it just comes to me I guess, haha.

Q.6) What book(s) influenced your life the most?

Hmm, influenced my life. I don't think any books influence my life, i just take each day as it comes :)

Q.7) What is the best advice you've ever had in terms of writing?

Write from the heart. Imagine yourself as the character and picture what is happening. Also, make coffee your new best friend

Q.8) If you had the chance to place yourself in any character's shoes, who would it be and why?

Hmm, I would actually say Scarlet from my story 'My vampire love', because I know what's going to happen and I wouldn't mind living that life.

Q.10) What was the hardest part(s) of writing your book(s)?

Well, I think the whole process of writing is tricky, never knowing how much is enough or too much, whether people will like the stories, if you add this or remove that, but I think the fighting scenes, especial for its all about autumn as i have to image being a wolf and how they would fight ect..

Q.11) What got you interested in vampires and werewolves?

Oh well, where to start. I've always been into mysterious things, I'm that kind of person, but I've loved vampires and were wolves for ages, I guess its just one of those things, so I just thought, what the heck, and began to write about them, I've even started a hybrid story about the both so you-know. Hahaha.

Q.12) Is there any particular genre that you like writing better than others? Why or why not?

Hmmm, i love writing about all genres, I think its great to have a variety of types of stories. But I do prefer writing the vampire stories. I think thats just because I love vampires and the plot could take you anywhere.

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