(8) Author Interview: AnarchyNerd

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Q.1) Describe yourself in one word.


Q.2) Have you ever experienced of a time where you thought of giving up writing? Any dark moments?

Yes, It was when I was just starting up and I wasn't sure if my stuff was the best and I was googling the habits of a writer and they said you had to at least write everyday, but I didn't. Basically comparing myself to others and that brought me down. It may seem weird but I was like twelve or thirteen and I busted out crying about it and everything, I laugh at it now.

Q.3) What's your happy place that you go to when you write?

My happy place is usually, I'm on my couch or in my room, I like to be cold and I turn on the T.V. for background noise and in my pajamas. (I can write twenty pages in my pajamas but in my casual clothes I feel uncomfortable.) I also turn on Youtube and have Joey Graceffa, Smosh, Tyler Oakley, or whoever on also in the background. I need noise around me for some reason it helps me focus better? Lol its weird but that's my happy place surrounded by noise. :)

Q.4) How did you came across Wattpad?

I had a friend who actually introduced it to me, I remember being in the library during my lunch period and she led me to the website and saw the holy orange and white for the first time.

Q.5) How did you came up with the title of your book(s)?

It usually has to deal with the message I'm trying to send. So I will go through fifty names before I can decide but it has to reflect my message. So with Tipping and Falling its about falling back into love and with A Siren's Cry its about seduction and trusting again, so yep.

Q.6) What is the best advice you've ever had in terms of writing?

Take your time. Writing isn't something that's easy even though it appears to be and it doesn't work for everyone. Some people take up to five or more years to finish one novel, so don's compare yourself with someone who may have five finished novels why'll you don't. Its about moving at your own pace.

Q.7) If you had the chance to place yourself in any character's shoes, who would it be and why?

I would be Zoey Redbird. I mean, she's a totally powerful high vampire priestess, she has a hot warrior guardian, best friend, she can control the elements. I mean come on. Who wouldn't but then I wouldn't because every book someone close to her is getting killed off, so that's when I might change my mind... :X

Q.8) What specific scene(s) in your book(s) that made you cry, laugh, or angry the most.

The most specific scene that made me cry I wrote is when, I wrote is when my main character, breaks up with her boyfriend, and tells him, he's boring and she doesn't like him reciting Shakespeare to her in bed, and he starts to cry because he thinks that's sexy and along with foreplay being doing scramble... Lol I just love it.

Q.9) What was the hardest part(s) of writing your book(s)?

Sticking with them and keeping them interesting. People want drama and conflict but they don't want too much or too little its gets boring or just stupid, so I always try to figure out a way to keep them wanting more and moving towards the end of the book. Also sticking with them because I'm the type of person when its out of sight its outta mind and I'm a lazy bum, so I force myself to keep up with it.

Q.10) What are your pet peeves when it comes to writing or reading other people's works.

The whole lower case 'i' when it suppose to be 'I', really makes me made for some unknown reason but my pet peeve is that when the main character has gone through some much struggle in life, that its like why. She's been raped by her father, abused by a boyfriend, mental abused by her drug addict mother, bullied by her peers, she cuts herself, she gets pregnant by her boyfriend then he leaves her, she meets a new guy and he's rich. Its like "Ugh, please let me bash my head into my wall for a second." Also when people put random POV changes in the middle of the book and you already know who it is or its just so pitiful and its like a paragraph long and I'm like, "I already know its he's jealous ex... Your purpose please?" Then I proceed to bash my head into the wall. Or this is the good one. "Hi, my name is blah, blah, blah, I'm ugly but everyone says I'm pretty." Yet she looks like a Victoria Secrets Model in the MM bar.

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