(2) Author Interview: SsLoveToReadSs

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Q.1) Describe yourself in one word

   A realist.

Q.2) Have you ever experienced of a time where you thought of giving up writing? Any dark moments?

   I've never really given much of a thought to giving up writing, because I think it'd be pretty hard for me to do. Writing is one of the only ways I can express myself, both creatively and express my opinions on things.

Q.3) What's your happy place in terms of writing?

   If by happy place you mean where I do my best writing, it would be really late at night at about 10 onwards.

Q.4) How did you came across Wattpad?

    I had just gotten a new phone and I was looking for an app to read stories on and I came across Wattpad in the app store. At first, I didn't really realise that anyone could post stories, but after a couple of days I figured it out. It took me about a year to make an account itself, and then another few months to start writing on here myself. Now that I've started, I love it too much to stop!

Q.5) How did you came up with the title of your book(s)?

   At the moment, I only have one book up, which is called Saving Myself. Coming up with the title of my book, for any of my books, I find is pretty much the hardest bit of the whole process. I kind of just spend hours thinking of themes of the book and key words and come up with something. Majority of the time, I change the title a few times before I'm happy with it.

Q.6) What book(s) influenced your life the most?

   I wouldn't say that I've read a book which influences my life as such, but I have read books which definitely influence my writing. The Hunger Games trilogy and the Harry Potter series are definitely what inspired my first book, and kind of sparked my interest in writing. Those to series a long with The Fault In Our Stars are my all time favourite books.

Q.7) What is the best advice you've ever had in terms of writing?

   The best advice I have received in terms of writing would be to write for yourself and not to worry too much about how many people a voting or reading or commenting on your story.

Q.8) Do you have any writing routine?

   I don't have a routine as such, but sometimes I do find it hard to get into my writing. When that happens I normally put on one of my TV shows or play some music and before I know it, another chapter is written!

Q.9) What specific scene(s) in your book(s) that made you cry, laugh, or angry the most?

   So far I've only written one scene that really gets to me. It a scene in Saving Myself, where one of the main character die. It isn't posted yet, but I've written it and it was hard to get the right emotions into the story, but it I find it a very sad chapter.

Q.10) What was the hardest part(s) of writing your book(s)?

   I think ending the book is the hardest part. It's not easy to just say bye to all your character, after you've spent so long developing. You kind of get attached to them. That, and also killing off a character because once again, you get sort of attached to the person.

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