(1) Author Inteview: MaraValderran

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Q.1) Describe yourself in one word.


Q.2) How did you came across Wattpad?

An article on Publisher's Weekly.

Q.3) How did you came up with the title of your book(s)

A friend of mine came up with the series title, and my husband and I came up with individual book titles.

Q.4) What book(s) influenced your life the most?

I'd say Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series or the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. Both authors inspired me and their worlds sparked my imagination in ways I'd never experienced before.

Q.5) What is the best advice you've ever had in terms of writing?

Hire an editor. I know that doesn't seem to have much to do with writing, but it really does. I've learned so much after working with an editor on the first book of my series. My writing has improved in ways I never imagined it would, and I really can't wait to get this next book to my editor so I can learn and grow even more.

Q.6) Do you have any writing routine?

I tend to work best when I am alone in the house. Sometimes I have music playing to inspire me, but lately I've been enjoying the quiet. It also helps when I am reading out loud so I don't feel silly or spoil my husband on what is to come in the series.

Q.7) What specific scene(s) in your book(s) that made you cry, laugh, or angry the most?

There's a scene in book two that made me absolutely bawl my eyes out, but obviously that's all I can say on that one. I cried when Ellowyn caught Zelene trying to run away and Zelene finally broke down. Zelene is just such a strong character, so when she breaks, it has a bigger impact on me. Rhaya is the same way. They both tend to make me laugh.

Q.8) What was the hardest part(s) of writing your book(s)?

Narrowing down the points of view. When I wrote the first draft, I didn't know what the term head-hopping meant. I thought I was writing in third person omniscient, which is apparently pretty frowned upon in the publishing world. So when I learned that from an acquisition's editor kind enough to work closely with my newbie self, I had to rewrite the book focusing on just one POV per scene. I think there were around 15 POVs. The draft on Wattpad has 11, and the final draft after working with my editor landed me with five. It was definitely a tough process.

Q.9) Any advice for other writers? (Whether motivation, words of encouragement, etc.)

I have tons! I still feel like a newbie, so I'm always eager to pass on what I've learned. First and foremost, keep writing. Even when you think it is crap. Trust me, we all read over our stuff and cringe sometimes, but if you plug through those rough patches, you can fix them in editing. Or they might not be as bad as you think. You are your own worst critic.

Second, get involved in the writing community. Start networking now, before you even have a finished manuscript. And make sure those connections are genuine--don't just get Facebook friends and tweeps with the hopes of spamming them down the road when you have a book out. Make friends. The writing community is full of so many supportive people. I honestly don't think I could have done everything this past year without the friends I met online through conferences, contests, and social media.

Last, get beta readers, critique partners, and an editor if you plan on going anywhere as a writer. Writing is a skill like any other, which means there is room for growth regardless of where you are or how much you've already learned. You'll learn from CPs, betas, and definitely from your editor, and you'll be a better writer for what you learn.

Q.10) Any deleted scenes in your book(s) especially in the "Heirs of War" series?

I do! I have deleted scenes from both books. The scenes from the first book are here on Wattpad and in the book. I had to cut them to narrow down the POVs. In particular, the scene with Nolan encouraging Kyle to stick around after Varrick had told him he would be canon fodder got cut, as well as the scene between Varrick and Arland that happens right after Zelene's arrival.

I loved both of those scenes since we got to see more of Nolan and Arland, but I couldn't fit them with the POVs. For the second book, I just cut a scene with Liam explaining the complicated history between the Athucreans and Anscombe to Zelene. That scene will end up here on Wattpad once the book is published. Right now I am still posting teaser chapters. :)

Q.11) Do you edit while writing or finish the draft first, then revise it?

I do a little of both now. I used to just write everything out, but now I tend to go back and reread the last scene I wrote out loud to make sure it flows and there aren't any awkward sentences or obvious repeat words. Once I finish the full draft, I put it all on a word document and start the heavy duty editing before I send it to my editor.

Q.12) Which character is your absolute favorite? (it doesn't have to be a character in your book but in other books too.)

I don't think I can choose one of my favorite characters from Heirs of War. I know most people expect me to say Zelene since she gets the most action and everyone who knows me says she is me (she's not, but still), but I adore Rhaya just as much.

More, sometimes. Zelene can be a bit of a brat. Raemann is probably my favorite Cyneward. Solanna is my favorite Duillaine. As for minor characters, Ellowyn really stands out as a favorite in this next book. So does Cedwen. See? Impossible to choose. I can tell you that my favorite Harry Potter character is Neville Longbottom. =D


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