(5) Author Interview: Cfunk3

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Q.1) Describe yourself in one word.


Q.2) What do you love about paranormal and historical genres? Why?

I don't love anything about them particularly. 'The Return' just came to me and before I knew what was happening, I was writing a historical/paranormal novel!

Q.3) How did you came across Wattpad?

I read an article about it and it came at the perfect time. I had just finished part two in my series and was desperate for feedback and direction.

Q.4) Have you ever experienced of a time where you thought of giving up writing? Any dark moments?

I used to write all the time as a teenager. At first I wrote very cliched high school love stories and then later worked on my school's newspaper. I was really discouraged and gave up fiction writing when my family used to laugh at my work. Looking back, it was laughable, but I'm glad I stuck with it because I've grown so much a writer over the last few years.

Q.5) What book influenced your life the most?

That's like asking who is your favorite child...impossible for me to answer. 'Bridge to Terabithia' was the first book to make me cry, my dad used to read 'The Secret Garden' to me at bedtime, 'Things Fall Apart' was the first book that made me feel smart, and Jackie Collins gave me my sex education. I'm in debt to a lot of wonderful authors out there.

Q.6) What specific scene(s) in "The Return" series that made you cry, laugh, or angry the most?

I'm not a fan of sex scenes, so I'd have to say I had the most difficult with the sex scene at the end of the book. Of course I created more problems for myself because in book two there is double the amount of sex.

Q.7) Any deleted scenes that you didn't include in the "The Return" series?

Tons! But I usually recycle them some way and have added them into the later books in the series!

Q.8) Do you edit while writing or finish the draft first, and then revise it?

I edit nonstop. I can't look at one of my chapters without making constantly making changes. I'm always editing.

Q.9) Do you have any dislike when it comes to writing? Why or Why not?

Yep, editing because it's never ending ;)

Q.10) If you were in a bookstore, what's the first thing that catches your eyes the most? (like the book cover, the summary, the first sentence of the first chapter, etc.)

Sometimes I read the last line of a book. I'm a sucker for a happy ending.

Q.11) What do you love about Taiwan (what do you dislike about it? )

I love the food and how much the country has progressed over the years. It's my happy place so there is little I don't like about it!

Q.12) What do you love the most about teaching? (Any dislike about it?)

I love that now matter how hard I plan, I never know what to expect each day. It's like I'm on stage all day long and it's not only my job to make sure that they all learn, but that they keep their attention on me. I dislike booger pickers and kids who refuse to use a tissue. ;)

Q.13) Any advice for other writers? (Whether motivation, words of encouragement, etc.)

Just don't give up. Every story isn't meant to be fully written but that doesn't mean you still shouldn't attempt to. Just like you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince, you have to struggle with a lot of horrible story lines before you stumble across the one that begs to be written.

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