(4) Author Interview: alorageenleaf

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Q.1) Describe yourself in one word


Q.2) Have you ever experienced of a time where you thought of giving up writing? Any dark moments?

"Unfortunately, I have at one point... I was writing three stories at once (Son of Sauron, Heart Fire, and another one I forgot), and just got overwhelmed. My darkest time would be when I got so frustrated, I ripped out the pages of my notebook because the chapter never sounded right, and spent the next couple hours desperately taping them back together."

Q.3) How did you came across Wattpad?

"I think it was several years ago, I searched 'books' in the App Store for my phone. Wattpad came up, and I was drawn in from that point. I lost my phone, though, and when I received an iPod for my birthday, the very first thing I did was create an account. I don't go a day without checking up on the site."

Q.4) How did you came up with the title of your book(s)?

"I think, for Son of Sauron, I just wrote it down, not bothering with the title. Then, after I realized where my mind was driving my story, bam!"

Q.5) Are you the kind of person who outlines first then write the chapter or just go with the flow?

"Well, I kind of do, in my mind. I start out with a basic goal I need to complete by the end of the chapter, and just work from there. Often, my ideas take me somewhere else, and I end up doing something completely different from the original."

Q.6) Do you have any writing routine?

"I prefer to write whenever I can, write and read. I can be interrupted at any time other than when I'm reading and writing"

Q.7) What is the best advice you've ever had in terms of writing?

"Probably everything my dearly departed eighth grade English teacher taught me. I gave him an early sample of my dragon story, and while he loved it, he gave me a few tips: Don't use 'I' so much, and use line breaks."

Q.8) What book(s) influenced your life the most?

"Lord of the Rings, of course, but also books like Eragon."

Q.9) What specific scene(s) in your book(s) that made you cry, laugh, or angry the most?

"Oh, where to start? I put most of my current emotions into my chapters (habits from an actor! Likely when (*spoiler!*) Alora/Anodien 'died' and visited her deceased mother in the other world. I was so upset at that point, I began sobbing. Note to self- never listen to sad country songs when writing!"

Q.10) What was the hardest part(s) of writing your book(s)?

"I have a certain goal I want to reach eventually, but always try to get there too fast. So, I try to concentrate more. One thing I cannot stand in books are when the main character's love interest immediately falls head over heels for the protagonist, all within the first three chapters. If I make someone fall in love, then it's gradual, not automatic love."

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