38. Happy Valentine's Day

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38. Happy Valentine's Day: Charlotte's Pov

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"Can you carry me down, please?" I ask Xander, letting out a relieved sigh when he bends down and gently picks me up in his arms. Leaning my head on his chest, I try resisting the urge to close my eyes as we travel down the stairs.

I know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to get downstairs myself. For the past month, I've been having to sit down on the stairs and slowly travel down one by one. Now I can't even bend down low enough to get myself into that position, let alone get back up if I managed to get downstairs. "I think I'm about to pop." I whisper, knowing that he can still hear me.

"I know." he nods, soothingly rubbing my back. "Dr. Kale said that you're ready to deliver anytime now. It just depends on when our pup wants to come out."

"No, Xander." I shake my head, wincing when I feel the baby kick in my stomach. "I really think that the baby is coming soon. I can feel it."

"How soon are you talking about?" Xander stops in his tracks, worriedly looking down at me.

"A few days. I don't know. But I think it's gonna happen soon." I tell him, trying to bury my face further into his chest. Besides the fact that I've been a lot more tired lately, I've been feeling pressure in my back and it's only been increasing since this morning.

I haven't been able to do much lately either- not that Xander, Brody, Cade, or anyone else really let me do much since my pregnancy began. After the night I left the house alone to get some orange juice, Xander and Brody hosted a pack meeting to tell everyone that they were to be notified immediately if I was seen walking anywhere alone. Although I was usually with someone even before I was pregnant, now I have either my mate or my brother glued to my side.

Xander's been doing all of his Alpha duties in the house and I don't think he plans on changing that anytime soon. He and Brody decided that it's "unsafe" for me to do any laundry because of the chemicals in detergents and now they even rush to wash the dishes before I get to them so I don't breathe in the fumes in dish soap. Under any other circumstances I would argue with them about those strict safety precautions, but I'm simply too tired to do anything about it. Plus, it gets me out of doing chores for a while.

"We still have orange juice, right?" I ask once we're downstairs.

Slowly setting me down on my feet, he answers, "There are two cartons in the fridge. One with pulp and one without pulp."

"Yay." I smile as we enter the kitchen, causing Xander to chuckle as he takes a seat near the counter. He used to offer to pour my orange juice for me, but he stopped doing that after I went on a rampage because I thought he poured me the wrong kind. It turned out that I asked for no pulp, I just forgot what I said to him.

After I'm done pouring myself a glass of the beverage, I turn around and start walking towards Xander, only to stop when he starts laughing. "Why are you laughing?" I ask, slowly turning around, only to see that everything is normal.

"It's just funny seeing you waddle." he answers, making me roll my eyes. Everyone's been making pregnancy jokes about me lately. The most common ones are about my walking, or as everyone else calls it, waddling.

"I don't waddle." I growl, turning around to sit at the dining table instead of with Xander near the counter.

"Come on, sweetheart." Xander gets up and walks over to where I'm sitting. "Why did you sit all the way over here?"

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