3. Candy

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3. Candy: Charlotte's Pov (Brody above^^^)

I stand in front of the stairs and wonder how I'm suppose to go down. I smell like Xander since I used his shampoo and body wash, I'm also wearing a pair of his boxers and a shirt of his.

Sitting down, I lay my crutches by my side and start going down the stairs the way a toddler would; slowly butt scooting down each step.

'This is enjoyable.' my wolf grins. I see her as a wolf inside of my mind, paws and everything.

As I'm nearing the bottom of the stairs, one of my crutches falls and tumbles to the ground. In a flash Xander is by my side. "Are you okay?" he asks.

I nod and allow him to help me stand up. "Why were you trying to go down the stairs?"

"You told me to meet you in the kitchen." I shrug.

"I meant for you to call me when you got done showering." he says gently picking me up. He carries me the rest of the way to the kitchen.

Two plates with sandwiches are on the dining table. Xander sits me down in a chair and pushes a plate closer to me. The sandwich looks good, but I feel wasteful knowing that I'll throw away over half of it.

Ten minutes later, I'm only able to eat half of a sandwich when Xander already finished two. "I'm full." I whisper, pushing the plate away.

"Just one more bite?" Xander urges.

I shake my head. I'm fully aware that I'm wasting food and that other people need it more than I do, but I just can't eat it. He sighs and puts up the plates.

"Baby, the doctors said that you have to try to eat."

"I know, my old pack doctor said the same thing."

"Have you been trying?" he questions.

Once again, I shake my head. "Alpha didn't let anyone give me food; but sometimes people would sneak in some meals for me." I answer.

Xander glares at the wall but doesn't show any other signs of anger. "Brody wants to see you tomorrow, I can tell him to reschedule if you want to wait." he says.

"I'll see him tomorrow."

On our way up to where I think is his bedroom, he's my only heat source. The clothes I'm wearing are huge on me but they're not warm, plus it seems to be extremely cold in the house. "These should help you sleep." Xander hands me a pill and a bottle of water to help it go down.

The effects of the medicine kicks in quickly adding to the fact that I'm already tired. Xander goes into the bathroom to change and leaves me laying in his bed. There's no chance that it's king sized, it's somehow much bigger.

He's most likely going to have me sleep next to him, I just hope that my nightmares won't be that bad tonight. The last thing I see before I lose consciousness is my shirtless mate.


"No one will want you after I'm done with you." a sinister voice sneers.

This is the third time this happened today, all the warriors are stressed and use me for release. "Listen when I'm talking to you!"

I look up at Beta Shawn knowing that he hates it when I look him in the eye. They're able to torture me but they can't make me submissive.

A snap let's me know that I pushed him too far. As I try to use my elbows to stand up, I end up coughing and choking on my own blood. "I SAID BEND OVER!"

"Charlotte, wake up. You're having a nightmare."

My eyes snap open and I cower away from the body next to me. "I'm not going to hurt you, it was just a dream." Xander coos reaching out for me. I let him pull me into his lap and bury my face in his bare chest.

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