18.5. F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real)

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18.5. F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real): Xander's Pov

Cover made by me^

QOTC- Morning-person or night-owl?

'I'm the gingerbread man!' Charlotte giggles through the mind-link.

*** (a few hours later)

"You're going to be okay, sweetheart. Brody and I will be right next to you the entire time." I say to Charlotte, feeling guilty for making her happy and then sad again.

"I know." she whispers, taking hold of my hand.

"Back off." Brody slaps my hand away from his sister's and holds it instead. "Just to make sure that you guys are only doing PG-13 things, you hold my hand. Whatever you want to do with her, I'll do it to you... You better not be into anal."

"The fuck, man?" I let go of my friend's hand. He's still mad from earlier.

'Can we go tomorrow?' Charlotte asks me. 'Alpha-'

'He isn't your Alpha!' I try to keep my facial expression neutral, knowing that Brody will think that I'm a threat to his sister if I look angry. I would never intentionally hurt her, I just don't have time to deal with Brody's overprotective ways right now.

'Dylan is mad. I don't want you or Brody or anyone else to hear what he's going to say about me.' Charlotte tells me.

'No one is going to believe what he says, we're on your side, sweetheart.' I try calming her nerves by sneaking an arm around her waist.

'That's the thing, Xander!' she exclaims through the mind-link. 'The stories he'll say to everyone are true... I don't want anybody to think of me differently after today.' She leans closer to me and continues walking, her brother not bothering to interrupt us this time.

'I won't-'

'Promise me... You to Brody, I know you're listening.' Charlotte glances at her brother, he obviously knows what we're talking about since we didn't make our conversation separate from the previous one.

'Promise.' Brody and I exchange looks. If Charlotte is this worried about what Dylan is going to say, then there has to be something major that she doesn't want us to know about. Either way, there's nothing in the world that could stop me from loving my mate.

'Does everyone remember the formation and route?' I mind-link my warriors and guards working inside the cellars. I can't have any mistakes; Lunas usually aren't down in the cells, it's too risky. One mistake can cause my mate to be harmed or for one of our prisoners to escape.

I move in front of Charlotte, Brody moving directly behind her. I have three guards and two warriors on each side of her, just to ensure that everyone inside of a cell won't be able to touch her. 'Why'd you let go?' I ask Charlotte when she lets go of my hand.

'I don't want to make you look weak.' even through the mind-link, her voice is small and quiet.

'How does letting me holding you make me look weak?' I switch spots with Brody, wrapping my arms around my mate in the process of doing so. Brody doesn't interfere this time, he knows that I won't let anything happen to her down here.

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