Chapter Eight

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(? POV)

I struggled under the weight of the sky. My arms were sore, and the only thing keeping me going was pure determination.

But I must've missed something, because the next thing I know, Artemis was there and arguing with Atlas.

But the argument didn't last very long as Artemis turned to me. She walked over and we held the sky together for a second.

I glanced at her, confused.

"Give me the sky," Artemis told me.

I was reluctant. No matter how painful this is, I knew that this was all some big trap for the demigods.

"Go," Artemis said softly.

I hesitantly released the sky, and Artemis caught it.

I looked at thew watch on my wrist.

I had been holding the sky for days(it said the date too).

I got over to the wall and slid down to the floor against the it.

A/N Sorry this chapter is so short. The next one will be up soon.


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