Chapter One

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(Time skip---- a few million years later)

(Heracles's POV)

I walked towards the Garden of Hesperides.

I had to get one of the golden apples. This should be easy.

There was a bright flash, and I looked away. When I looked back, there was a young boy with raven black hair, sea green eyes, and a serious expression.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "And who are you anyway? By the looks of you, you are a demigod son of Poseidon, so you should be bowing at my feet."

Instead of the reaction I had expected, the boy just smiled and laughed.

"I am no demigod, but I am not a mortal like thou either." The boy looked at me. "I'm Perseus Jackson, but thou will call me Percy." He held out his hand like he was waiting for me to shake it.

I wrinkled my nose. I wasn't going to shake hands with someone lower than me.

"And why would I do that?" I asked. I smirked. "If I don't will you call your little daddy Poseidon?"

"Poseidon is not my father," he said. "I never liked my father. He tried to eat me once. He's dead now. Killed by thine father and myself. Well, as dead as an immortal can be."

"So you are a demigod," I smiled triumphantly. "I was right."

"No," Percy said, "I'm not."

"But you just said your dad is immortal," I said. "He's a god."

"First of all, he was not a god," Percy said. "Second of all, my mother was immortal too."

It took me a second to register what he meant.

But how could this kid be a god? He's not even impressive.

"You're a god?" I asked. "What are you the god of?"

"Oh, thou know, water, loyalty, the betrayed, respect, the Garden of Hesperides, weapons time, earth, heroes, secrets, lies, honesty, guilt, insanity, pain, and some other stuff. I let some other people take control of my domains like Apollo for truth and stuff, but I still more control than them. I have come to tell thee not to try and take one of the golden apples."

"It's the only way I can redeem myself," I said, trying to go from the guilt approach. "If you don't let me, I will never be able to."

"No," Percy said. "I can't let you. Just don't try, okay?"

I hesitated, then nodded.

Percy nodded and flashed away.

That's the good thing about the gods. They're gullible, even the god of lies and truth.

(Percy's POV)

I flashed away to the Garden of Hesperides. I appeared in front of all of the Hesperides.

They were singing as they tended to the garden. I smiled and joined in. We were always good at singing together.

When the song was finished, they looked over at me and smiled.

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