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(Rhea's POV)

I gave birth to twins. One boy and one girl.

I immediately knew that their name's would be Hestia and Perseus.

But I could could sense they were something. . . different. They weren't Titans.

"What are their names, dear?" My husband Kronos asked.

"I think it should be Hestia and Perseus," I replied.

Kronos gently took Hestia.

"Hi there," he said. "I'm sorry, Hestia." Then he swallowed her whole.

"Why would you do that?" I screeched.

"It's what's necessary," Kronos said.

"Necessary? You will not eat my kids, necessary or not!"

"Sorry," Kronos said. He grabbed Perseus too. He looked down at Perseus and was about to open his mouth when Perseus reached up one of his tiny baby hands and slapped Kronos across the face. He gave him a don't-even-think-about-eating-me-and-how-dare-you-do-that-to-my-sister-Hestia look. He had smacked him so hard that Kronos actually stumbled backwards and dropped Perseus.

Perseus fell down towards the ground and I thought he was going to get hurt, but he landed on his feet. We stared at him in shock.

Perseus gave me a don't-worry-I'll-save-Hestia look. Then he looked at Kronos and gave him a what-are-you-looking-at-you're-the-one-who's-eating-babies look.

Then he ran out of the room surprisingly fast.

I turned to Kronos, who was still looking at the door in shock and glared at him. He flinched when he saw.

"Honey," he said, "I only did what I had to do in order to keep the Titans in charge of the world."

I curled my lip in disgust. "You disgust me. Get out of my home."


"Get. Out. NOW!" I screamed.

He flashed away.

I cried for hours.

(Percy's POV)

How dare he eat my sister? Who eats babies? I marched angrily away from the place, not knowing where I was going, but knowing I had to get away from there.

The sun started to set and I found a place to stop. It was next to a big lake. The water calmed me. I held my breath and jumped in.

I sunk to the bottom.

There was a girl at the bottom of the lake who was weaving a basket. She was looking at me curiously.

I waved.

She waved back.

I smiled. Then I realized I was breathing.

I looked away from the girl just to see another one. And another one. They were surrounding me.

"Hi," I said.

The girls smiled and looked at each other.

"Why are you here?" One of them asked.

"Kronos ate my twin sister," I said. "I ran away. Can you help me?"

The girls looked at each other again.

"Yes," another girl asked. "We will take care of you until you can go back and help free your sister."

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