Chapter Four

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I got the some inspiration for this chapter from umayma2015


(Third POV)

"Milady, Zoë," Phoebe said as she barged in. "I have to. . . What exactly is going on?"

She had her eyes locked onto the scene playing before her. The cold, man-hating leuitendant of the huntresses of Artemis was hugging a male? And crying?

Zoë looked up and the boy let go of her.

Zoë saw Phoebe. "Phoebe!" She said. "What did I tell thee about coming into my tent uninvited?"

"Not to," Phoebe said. "But it's too late to change that now. But I come in here to see you hugging and crying into a male!  You are a huntress of Artemis!"

Zoë looked at Phoebe. "This male is the greatest one ever." She tried to reason with Phoebe. "You—"

Phoebe would hear none of it. "But you are the leuitendant of the huntresses of Artemis! You can't just fall in love with someone you just met! You—"

"Phoebe!" Zoë yelled. She continued in a whisper, as Phoebe went silent to listen. "I didn't just meet him."

"What?" Phoebe asked. "You mean you have been meeting a boy behind our back for a few years? I can't believe this!" Phoebe had betrayal shining in her eyes as she yelled.

"Phoebe, thou need to listen—" started Zoë.

"No, you need to listen!" Phoebe said. "YOU ARE A HUNTRESS OF ARTEMIS! You are NOT ALLOWED TO FALL IN LOVE! You can not just RUN OFF with a boy who happens to COME TO THE CAMP!"

Artemis decided to step in. "Phoebe, just listen to Zoë's story."

Phoebe took a few deep breaths.

"I didn't meet him after I joined the hunt."

"What?" Phoebe asked.

Zoë glanced at Percy. Percy knew that it would be hard for her to tell her sisters. He knew that she would feel like she's betraying them. He placed a hand on her shoulder and it glowed slightly. None of the others noticed, but Zoë suddenly felt a little more confident. She sent a grateful look with her eyes to Percy.

"I knew him before I joined," Zoë said.

"Like. . . like Hercules?" Phoebe asked.

"No, that's not me," Percy snarled, making everyone jump. "He tried to kill Zoë and got me sent on a little trip to Tartarus."

"But wouldn't that make you thousands of years old?" Phoebe asked.

"Millions, actually," Percy said.

"So, you're immortal?"

"Yes. Perseus Jackson, god of a whole bunch of stuff I don't feel like mentioning. How about thou? You are Phoebe, correct?"

"Yeah," Phoebe said.

"So," Percy said, "let's tell the story. Take a seat."

Percy sat down on a couch that had appeared behind him. Zoë immediately sat down next to him. Phoebe and Artemis sat in chairs that had appeared behind them.

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