9. Always

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A/N: I apologize in advance because I've been super busy and this chapter was kind of a filler and not the quality I'd like. Next week for the Valentine's Day ep. I'll make a fluffy Supercorp chap for you all. :))

Lena woke up before Kara the next morning, and she took that time to take in all of her beauty. Even while she was sleeping, she looked like an angel. The early sun shone on her face, highlighting the contours of her cheekbones, and extenuating her soft, rosy lips. Lena smiled to herself, wanting to kiss those lips. She brushed a stray blonde hair from Kara's face, who groaned in response. Her weight shifted, blue eyes opening in surprise. At first confusion clouded her glittering, crystal eyes, but it was soon replaced by excitement. Lena bit her lip and kissed Kara, brushing her cheek with her thumb.

"Good morning, angel."

Kara flashed a huge smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "You spent the night, didn't you?" Lena nodded.

The heroine flipped on her back, gazing at the ceiling with a stupid grin on her face that made Lena laugh softly. She grabbed Kara's hand while the other ran through her golden hair. She shook her head in disbelief.

"I can't believe this, my girlfriend slept over, a-and last night was so..." she paused, making eye contact with Lena who found amusement in Kara's disbelief. "Last night was so perfect."

"It was, wasn't it? Did you enjoy?" Lena replied, raising an eyebrow. Kara whimpered, raising a short laugh from her. She loved making Kara weak.

"Every. Single. Second." She planted a soft kiss on Lena's lips, the sheets falling from her chest, uncovering her naked body. Lena smirked, then noticed Kara blush. "Um, y-you're not wearing any clothes."

Lena chuckled. "Yes, angel. Makes sense after last night...But unfortunately, your super strength tore up all my clothes, so I don't have any to put on."

Kara was in a daze, admiring Lena's body. She leaned towards the blonde, biting her lip to snap her back to reality. She blushed again in response, coming to her senses.

"Here, you can borrow one of my shirts." She got up and rummaged through her rack of clothes. Lena licked her lips, admiring the view. Kara returned with a gray t-shirt bearing the "S" symbol, identical to the one on Kara's Supergirl costume.

Lena raised her brow. "Really? How cliche of you to own this."

Kara shrugged. "Self advertisement?"

Lena snatched the shirt from her hands, putting on her bra and panties, then slipping the shirt over. It covered just over her butt, so she turned down the offer when Kara handed her a pair of sweats.

"I'm sure you'd enjoy this more, yes?" Lena purred, winking at Kara, who bit her lip, nodding.

The blonde flopped back down on the bed next to Lena, pulling her close to her side. Lena rested her head on Kara's chest, lulled by her heartbeat. Kara cleared her throat.

"So, remember when we first met? At your office?"

"Of course, Kara. That's when I first fell for you--rambling and flustering and all."

Kara sucked her lips, cheeks flushing. "Okay, it's very hard to keep cool when you're in a room with a woman as flattering as you."

She leaned down, nipping at the soft tissue behind Lena's ear. Although she enjoyed this behavior as well as last night, Lena was still curious as to what brought it out of Kara. Not to mention how aggressive she was with everyone else last night. She decided to enjoy it, and talk to Alex when she had the chance.

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