6. Betrayal

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A/N: So just a heads up, this first part of this chapter is told in Lena's POV, and then the other is in Kara's. It's also extra long for you guys :))

Despite the warmth of the glaring sun beaming on her back, chills ran up and down Lena's body as she clenched her hands nervously. She paced back and forth across her vast office, chewing at her lip to keep it from quivering. It was her first day at work since being released from the DEO hospital a few days ago. For the tenth time in just a couple of minutes, Lena's eyes darted back to the clock. In moments, she'd see the woman she refused to call her mother for the first time in over a year--Lillian.

Just then, the CEO heard a soft knock on her door, and she immediately fixed her hair and smoothed her skirt. Lena was feeling better than ever, and she wanted the woman to know that.

"Come in," she called, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. This proved pointless as her breath caught at the sight of the woman that came through the door. Although they weren't even related, Lena's eyes matched those of Lillian's piercing green ones. Lena had to admit she didn't look great, which made her smirk. The woman's cheeks were hollow and pale, her cheekbones prominent and sharp. Her clear eyes sunk deep into her face, shadows accentuating the bags under them.

Lena crossed her arms over her chest, tilting her chin up and looking down on the woman. She refused to speak. Lillian seemed to notice this.

"Not even a 'hello' for your mother?" the woman hissed, a mocking smile on her face.

Lena scoffed. "You're not my mother, Lillian. Mine died years ago."

Lillian raised a brow at her daughter, a habit Lena unfortunately adapted from her. "I see there's no room for kindness in this conversation. Then let's get to it--why did you want to see me?"

Lena bit the inside of her cheek to maintain her composure. "Tell me, are you in charge of Cadmus?"

The woman smirked. "How did you find out about this?"

"A...friend," Lena hesitated. "But that doesn't matter. Tell me, yes or no?"

"Depends on what your intentions are with the information."

"I want to help you," Lena replied flatly.

This surprised Lillian. "And why should I trust you? That you won't tell this friend of yours?"

Lena raised a finger to signal for her to wait. She walked behind her desk, lifting up a heavy silver briefcase. Lillian approached her daughter, eyeing the case.

"Isotope 41," Lena stated. "I know you need this to power your weapon. I figured that although we aren't exactly close, it's still my duty to support you."

Lillian smiled slightly. "How so?"

Lena leaned forward to rest her hands on the desk. "Well, I agree that the alien race should be wiped out. They're nothing but dangerous and a virus to society."

Her mother smiled coldly. "This is your chance to finally make me proud, then."

Lena's heart broke, and she struggled to hold back tears. When she spoke, her voice cracked. "I mean besides running a successful billion dollar company, protecting our people, being one of the smartest people in the country and still managing to do it all as a woman--then yes."

This rose a laugh from Lillian. "Then why are we wasting time? Let's go."

Lena nodded, smiling nervously. She hoped she was making the right decision.

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