8. Red

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A/N: There is some smut at the end of this chapter, so if you're a smol innocent child, please skip over. And tysm to my bff Amy for giving me this idea. :') For the others, enjoy...

At exactly eight a.m., Kara dialed Lena's number. Although it was a Saturday and her birthday, Kara knew Lena would still be working. She laughed softly to herself. She loved that woman.

The phone rang a few times, then immediately went to voicemail. Kara pulled away to look at her phone screen in confusion. Lena's phone never went to voicemail. Curiously, Kara called again, yet the phone repeated the same process. The Kyptonian became worried. Then she had an idea.

Her phone rang again. A familiar voice answered. "Hello, L-Corp offices my name is Jess. How may I help you?"

"Jess," Kara breathed. "It's me, Kara. I was wondering, did Lena come into work today?"

Jess paused. "Yes, but actually, she hasn't called for her morning coffee yet.."

"I need you to check on her immediately. You do know it's her birthday, right? And I have a very special day planned with a very tight schedule. A-also I'm really worried."

"Don't worry, Ms. Danvers," Jess reassured her. "Let me go check on her."

Kara skittishly paced back and forth through her living room, biting at her cuticles. After a couple minutes, the receptionist returned, her tone full of concern.

"Kara, she's not there."

Before she could continue, Kara was already in her suit, flying towards the DEO headquarters. As she landed on the large balcony entrance, she bit her lip to prevent tears from spilling; there were tears of anger and panic. It was evident Kara was outwardly displaying her emotions because when she barged through the doors, everyone, including her sister, turned their heads to Kara.

"I need a thermal scan of all of National City immediately," Kara ordered, marching to the main control panel. Winn and Alex eyed her questioningly. Maggie stood lovingly next to her girlfriend, the only one who seemed amused by Kara's production.

Kara became impatient. "Winn, do a scan now! Or I swear to Rao I'll lose my cool and shoot lasers at you."

"Jeez, clam down, Kara," he responded, hurriedly typing on his laptop. "I'm doing it right now."

Alex cautiously approached Kara, crossing her arms. She was worried. "Kara, what's going on?"

"I-I called Lena this morning because it her birthday and...and she didn't answer..."

"And?" Alex pressed. "You know this has happened before."

"Alex, don't you get it?" Kara cried, angry tears escaping from the corner of her eyes. She clenched her fists to control herself. "Last time this happened, Lillian had her. But this time, I-I think she captured her."

Maggie's eyes widened. "Well, Little Danvers, I think you should go find her. Your sister and I'll gather up any info we can on her location. You start searching."

Alex nodded her head in agreement, then embraced her sister. "Go find her; but be safe."

Kara smiled sadly, then shot out to find for her kryptonite.

The Kryptonian scanned every square inch of National City, using her x-ray vision to see through buildings and her super hearing to pick up Lena's heartbeat. But to no avail, she couldn't trace any signs of Lena. No superpower in the universe was going to be able to help her find Lena. She almost gave up when she heard a comforting voice in her earpiece.

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