13. Promise

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A/N: Okay guys so I'm going to start introducing Kryptonian/Kryptonese, and I repeat NOT ALL TRANSLATIONS ARE PERFECT OKAY!! I will try my best and I'm using the phonetic spellings so it may not be entirely correct. See footnotes at the end of the chapter for translations. Thank you guys for the support also like??? This is insane, much love.

Lena had learned her whole life growing up never to grow attached to anyone, for her name in itself would ruin any relationship built between her and another person. She kept this mindset, especially when she rose to the position of L-Corp CEO. The re-branding of her predecessors company was not enough to repair her image, and she was still confronted the same as Lillian, and Lionel, who she refused to claim as her father. So when Kara came along, she became anxious with the thought of growing closer to her. Fortunately, having a relationship with Kara was the best thing to happen to Lena, but she couldn't say the same about her mother--her biological mother. In fact, every parental figure in her life became estranged and dangerous. She once thought of Olivia as the mother she never had, the one she deserved, but that all changed when she found out the truth.

When Olivia's chiseled face appeared from behind the front door, Lena instinctively plastered a composed expression on her face to hide her desperation and sadness within her, standing up as to present herself with authority. It was something she did routinely with business partners, not something she should be doing with family. But her only family was Kara now, and not even she could protect Lena from the danger that laid ahead of her and her mother's confrontation.

"Welcome in, Olivia," Lena forced. Her mother smiled tautly.

"Hello, Lena dear. I assume we're in a safe space, yes?" she replied, raising her brow. Lena hated it.

She cleared her throat nervously, trying not to hunt down the secret microphones hidden throughout the room with her eyes. "Of course."

Olivia sat down, but all privacy Lena had hoped for was lost as four guards with assault rifles in hand spread across her office. She tried to hide her annoyance with a small smile. She offered her mother a cup of tea, to which she politely declined.

"I say we get straight to the point, Lena," Olivia said bluntly. Lena nodded cautiously, nervously playing with her hands in her lap.

"There were a few things left unsaid that I believe you deserve to hear," she continued. "In order for you to grasp a true understanding of me, your mother, I must tell you my whole story."

Lena took a sip from her glass. It was whiskey, not tea.

"I was not born on Krypton, I was actually a spy by the name of O'via O'vann." She paused. "I was a part of the Regal Guard of the White Martians of Mars, serving under the king and queen. I was ordered on a mission to Daxam to observe their well implemented system of slavery that would be used back on our planet."

The scalding liquid choked Lena momentarily, as she was unable to comprehend the words her mother just said. Tears blurred her vision, and she suddenly became nervous, but she couldn't call Kara for help. "I'm sorry but--"

Olivia raised a finger and continued. "By accident, my ship was caught in a meteor shower, and unfortunately was knocked off course to Krypton. As you can imagine, this upset me, as it was my obligation to fulfill the tasks the king and queen gave me."

"I landed on that retched planet, henceforth disguised as a Kryptonian. My cover was that I was a new recruit as a guard in the palace. I was trained by a very kind guard, and to my surprise, was treated as a deserving equal of his. I wasn't used to this, and thus grew attached quickly to him."

She sighed, scanning Lena's reaction. "After months of training and working together, things got...complicated. When I found out I was pregnant, I told him, and he was initially ecstatic. But shortly after, I felt this urge to tell him my true identity, in hope he would show me the same compassion he always had. But I was wrong."

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