5. Savior

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Lena felt a strange mixture of happiness and dissatisfaction as she left Kara's apartment. Jealousy itched in her chest at the mystery woman that barged in, yet she also knew that it was possible Kara could be related to the brown haired woman. Although the two looked nothing a like, she could only hope. 

The woman had been wearing a black shirt and pants, her waist decorated with weapons. Lena had seen her before with Supergirl, right after she saved her life...

Lena grumbled in frustration. Was Kara right in her reaction to the heroine's questioning earlier that day? Or was she right to feel guarded? So many times in her life, the people she cared for had left her, leaving her broken: Lex, her mother, and now Supergirl. This made Lena worry about her future with Kara, who she adored beyond belief. Was it worth it if there was a chance of it not working? In her brief moment of doubt, Lena shook her head, disregarding her foolish thoughts. Kara was the only person that could make her laugh and forget her problems, and the thought of possibly losing her pained Lena. And she saw how happy she made Kara, and she could never ruin what they had.

The CEO sighed, calling her driver on the way out of the apartment complex. When she emerged through the heavy metal doors, the car was already there for her, the door opening in response to her presence. She slid inside, relaxing her shoulders as she sat down. In the rear view mirror she caught a glimpse of her disheveled hair, making her smirk. Kara was a great pillow.

"If I may ask Ms. Luthor, why are you out at this hour?" the driver asked.

Lena bit her lip. "Just visiting a friend and we were, um, shall we say...interrupted," Lena responded. The man nodded, starting the car for L-Corp to where her penthouse awaited on the top floor. She was still very tired and stressed from the day, although Kara had really made her feel better.

Lena attempted to rest on the way, however she failed. She decided to check her phone, seeing three missed calls from Kara. She began to worry, feverishly dialing her number.

The phone rang four times before a huge force shot the car into the air, which landed catastrophically on the side. Lena's head banged against the window, the impact making her ears ring. She cried out, the seat belt constricting her chest so much that it felt as if there were a hundred pounds on her. She was unable to control her panic, her body shaking. Fumes appeared to emerge from the front of the car, traveling back to where Lena sat. She choked, coughing rapidly and her breathing becoming labored. 

Lena squinted her eyes to see through the smoke, a figure outside her window banging on the glass. Soon, it gave way, and just before her vision turned black, she saw Supergirl.


"What's her status? Is she stable?" Lena was awoken by a murky voice piercing her sleep. But Lena hadn't been asleep, she was knocked out.

Lena couldn't move, so instead she tried to listen to the conversation.

"She suffered...head injury as well as...and it will require extensive tests..." a second voice spoke.

Lena seemed to have trouble hearing with the constant ringing in her ears, which made her frustrated. The first voice sounded anxious.

"Well help her! I swear...She is very important!"

"I know, Supergirl, I'm making sure our staff is doing a lot to protect her..."

Lena perked at the mention of Supergirl. She pried her eyes open, groaning in pain as daggers pierced her whole body.

"Lena!" a familiar voice cried, rushing to her side. Lena smiled. It was Supergirl.

"W-what happened?" Lena croaked, her throat still burning from the smoke. Supergirl seemed to notice this, motioning for someone to bring water. Lena gratefully took a sip, soothing her throat.

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