Chapter 43

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~ Will ~

Nico opened the door to his cabin, "It's been a while since we've been in here together." Will commented, walking inside. "That's because I've been redecorating."

As soon as he looked around he realized that redecorating was an understatement. The scene before him was new, but strangely familiar. The room was divided into two spaces, one living room lounge area and a sleeping area.

The right half of the room was pretty much the same, with the stupid coffin shaped beds that Nico claimed he hated, but it was obvious that he kinda liked them. They had the same polished mahogany frames, brass railings, blood red velvet pillows and sheets. There were only four beds now, so that was different. On the left side of the room, the rest of the beds had been turned into a matching couch along with two chairs. A mahogany coffee table and a deep red rug.

"Nico job."

Nico shrugged, "It wasn't hard. you're lucky I didn't listen to my dad and make it out if monk skulls." Will shuddered, "I would never set foot in here again."

Will made his way over to the couch and sat down. Nico took his coat off and put on the corner, he grabbed a book from his shelf and took a seat next to Will and opened his book. After a few moments, Will broke the silence, "Neeks, you missed part of your life because of that hotel, right?"

"If by part of my life you mean I didn't age for a few decades, then yeah." Nico said, not looking up from his book.

Even though Nico couldn't see him, he nodded, "How did you adjust after?"

"I didn't," He turned a page, "Our minds were wiped. I got my memories back from my father before the titan war."

"But you helped Hazel adjust to the modern world."

"That's... different, she was dead and she was aware of her situation. She understood what she was doing when she came back to the modern world, the only thing that she had to adjust to was how much things had changed." He glanced at Will and seemed to read his mind, "Shelby hasn't missed decades, they've missed a few years. They should be able to adjust, if they can come to terms with what happened in that time." When Will didn't reply Nico continued on, " Something must of happened, something big. For three powerful demigods to disappear, one killed, one missing and one running away, there must have been big forces at work."

Will yawned, "Okay, thanks." Without looking up from his book Nico stuck his arm out, silently inviting him to snuggle up. Will smiled to himself as he re-positioned himself, curling up next to Nico and putting his head in his boyfriend's lap. "Solace, your big head is blocking my book." Nico complained as he moved his book so he could see it. Will shivered, "It's cold in here." He said sleepily.

"It's really not."

Will pouted, "Well I'm cold."

"That's because you're wearing shorts and it's fall." Nico put his book down, "And if anything, you're hot, Solace." he said casually.

Will could feel his face burning, "Shut up."

Nico looked down at him and smiled, "No, actually. I think you might have a fever."

"I'm fine."

"You're more than fine.." Nico's eyes sparkled as he leaned in closer. "You're mine, Solace." Will could hear his heart hammering and was surprised that Nico couldn't hear it. Will looked up into Nico's eyes leaned forward for a kiss, Nico backed up. "Dude, what the hell?"

Will blinked, "What? I thought..."

"Will, you're a doctor, you should know not to kiss people when you're sick." Nico said, exasperated.

"I am not sick."

Nico raised an eyebrow, "Well you obviously aren't going to take care of yourself, so someone has to." He unfolded his coat and wrapped it around Will, "Now get some rest." He would have protested, but this was Nico and he was already falling asleep.

oooo a wholesome solangelo with nico reading and will sleeping under nicos coat!!! sign me up thanks

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