Chapter 2

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~ Will ~

He walked to the infirmary with Nico, talking about what could have happened to Apollo. Once he reached his destination the son of Hades gave him a dry smile, "And Will, you won't do much good if you pass out halfway through a life saving surgery." he patted him on the back, "You really should get some sleep. Later, sun kid." Then he turned on his heel and left.

Will smiled to himself, Nico had changed so much in the past two months. He wasn't only happier, but he was more comfortable, more himself.

Will made his way into the infirmary, he walked down the hall quietly, peeking each room to make sure the injured camper where alright. He paused outside the door to the small room where medical records were stored. Some campers didn't understand why they needed the records, but if anything ever was to happen the hospitals would want proof, and that meant that there was always something to do.

He slid in the chair and looked around the familiar room, he hadn't been in here for almost a month. No cuts. No health problems. No injuries. He'd been free. Free to spend all his time with his boyfriend. Until Harley had come up with his grand idea. His stupidly dangerous idea that kept Will up at night. The idea that had Will's heart racing and his adrenalin pumping. The idea that had Harley jump for joy and smile. The labyrinth. The youngest son of Hephaestus had reraised the labyrinth.

Will sighed and put his head down on the table. He hadn't slept in days. He was exhausted. One part of his mind told him to stay awake and help the injured. But the other half said the opposite, Nico's voice echoed in his head, Will, you won't do much good if you pass out halfway through a life saving surgery. He smiled as he closed his eyes, he knew he shouldn't, but as he most often did, he took Nico's advice.

* * * 

Seconds after his eyes closed he fell, yet again, into a dream filled sleep. He was on the side of a hill. Half blood hill. Someone was holding his hand. She was holding his hand. He knew this dream. He knew it so well. He hated it. He always hated it. Even if it was one of his best memories, he didn't like it one bit.

Her grip was tight, her smile mysterious. They climbed the hill together. Once at the top she smiled, "Welcome home." He stared at her blankly, "This isn't my home."

She knelt so she could be eye level with him, "It is now."

The younger Will shook his head, "No."

She smiled her sad smile, her blonde hair, the same color as his, tumbling over her shoulders. "Will, this is your new home."

He could feel the tears slide down his cheek, as if he was really crying, "No. My... my mom is at home. My home is a brown house. It has a blue roof and a wooden door." He looked around, "And this is not it."

Her smile was kind, "I know. But your going to live here for a while." She put her hand to his face and dried his tears.

"I know. Mom told me."

She patted his head, "Good."

He looked back one last time and waved to his mom and and new baby sister at the bottom of the hill.

The older girl looked down at him, "Ready?"

He nodded, "Yes."

* * *

Will opened his eyes, slowly. He wasn't nine years old. He wasn't coming to camp for the first time. She wasn't alive. Things had changed. He shook his head. Why? Why couldn't the past stay where it was meant to. Couldn't it just go where it belonged.

He sat up as he remembered something Calynn had told him a year ago, 'Memories come back for a reason. Like dreams. They have a purpose. All you have to do is figure out what their purpose is.' She had followed that statement with one of her mysterious smiles and she'd turned to Cecil and they had walked off, hand in hand.

His thoughts were interrupted by a someone knocking on the door, it opened before Will could get to his feet. Nico stood in front of him, out of breath, "Edge of woods." He panted, "Charlotte... hurt."

Will grabbed a first aid kit as he followed his boyfriend out of the room.

As they ran something occurred to Will, "Why didn't they bring her to the infirmary?"

Nico's face tightened, "To much blood."

Will ran faster.

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