Chapter 31

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~ Nico ~

He just stood there, stunned. Then after a moment ran after Will.

He found Will running towards the lava wall, he followed and saw Will duck into an opening he hadn't seen before and close a door behind him. The spot was so well camouflaged that if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't see it at all. After a moment Nico he knocked and opened the door. In side was what appeared to be a storage closet.

Nico slipped inside and found Will sitting there, his eyes closed. He closed the door behind him and sat down next to will quietly. The son of Apollo hadn't noticed him yet. Nico cleared his throat, "Well this is awkward. We're in a closet." He glanced at Will but there was no sign that the son of Apollo had heard him. "I thought we already came out." Nico said, trying again. This time he got a reaction, just not the one he had been hoping for.

"You didn't need to follow me. I left for a reason." Will muttered.

"I followed you because I care about you."

"Usually when someone walks away from you, they want to be alone." Will snapped.

Nico blinked, "What?"

"You know what, I'm done. All we ever do is argue and it goes nowhere.

"Will, that's not true."

"Maybe it's just better if we just take a break." Will said quietly, almost to himself.

Slowly it dawned on Nico what Will was saying, "But.." His voice failed him and he sat there, stunned. For the second time that day Nico didn't know what to do. He watched as Will stood up and walked away, leaving Nico alone.

The moment Will shut the door Nico a ball on floor and he was lost. He wasn't sure what Will had meant, but he knew that the son of Apollo needed space. He fell into memories and into darkness. He was once again back in the place where he didn't want to be. He didn't want to be back in the dark. He wanted to be in the sunlight.

He felt so lost, and so alone.

Nico was still in the closet when it was time for dinner. He told himself that he wasn't hungry. Himself told him that he was.

* * *

It was the first time in months that he had sat at his own table. He sat there looking at his plate. After staring at his food for a few minutes he took a bite, it tasted like sand.

He heard a voice behind him, but didn't turn to see who it was. "Hey, Nico..." Nico stood up and ignored the son of Apollo. He didn't want to see Will right now. For the first time in months he wanted to be alone. He left his dinner where it was and walked away. He made his way to the edge of the forest. He found himself at Harper's grave. He sat down and looked at the words carved into the stone.

He took a deep breath and began to talk, "I'm sorry. I did what I thought was right. I..." His voice trailed off and he struggled to find the right words. He had tried to the the right thing. He had done what he needed to do. And Will... the stupid son of Apollo. Nico closed his eyes. It was to much. He was so confused, but he knew Will was right. They did fight a lot. But that didn't mean much, as far as he was considered all couples had fights. And this one hadn't been any worse than any other. Nico lay down and looked up at the sky, at that moment he simply wanted to stop existing. He wanted to forget everything that had happened over the last few months. He wanted to run away. He wanted to reverse time and convince himself to leave camp before he got a chance to know William Solace. He didn't want Will to feel this way.

He stopped, and took a deep breath, of course he didn't want to do hurt Will. He wasn't going to go leave, as much as he wanted to Nico knew that the knowledge that he had caused Nico di Angelo to flee would destroy the son of Apollo. At that moment Nico decided that even if it killed him he would say at camp, he wouldn't hurt the Will more than he already had.

"What am I supposed to do?" He asked allowed.

For a moment nothing happened, then a voice said, you aren't alone son of Hades.

Nico looked around, "Who said that?" he asked. The voice, now more like a chorus of voices, all saying the same thing at once, responded, you'll find out soon enough. Suddenly he felt dizzy, but he couldn't just sit here. He had a strange feeling in his gut. He stood and walked into the woods.

* * *

He had taken about ten steps into the forest when he heard someone yell his name.

He had taken about fifteen steps when he hears footsteps behind him.

He had taken about twenty steps when someone grabed his wrist. Without a second thought Nico pulled his arm away and kept walking.

The person behind him

Someone slapped him across the face, "Snap out of it di Angelo."

Nico resisted the urge to punch whoever it was, "I need to go. I have to find him."

The person grabbed his arm and held him there, "Who?" They demanded.

"Will." Nico said with a strangled gasp.

when you include gay jokes so it's not as painful to write
im sorry i actually am i feel really bad but i needed something to happen
and if it makes you feel any better they technically didn't break up Will was just being EmOtIoNaL
also can we talk about the fact that im actually consistently updating?!?!

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