Chapter 32

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~ Nico ~

He woke up in Will's bed. For a moment he was content to be there. Then he remembered the events of the day before. He rolled out of bed and was heading for the door when a voice said, "I... I didn't mean it."

Nico whirled around, "Well then what did you mean Solace?"

Will looked at Nico, and Nico was surprised to see that Will's face was puffy and his eyes were red, the son of Apollo looked like he had been up all night crying. "I don't know." Will said helplessly.

Nico glared at him, "You can't just do that Will, you can't just play with people's emotions like that."

"I know and I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."

Nico looked away and crossed his arms.

"Right after I turned around and tried to go back but I couldn't. I tried to talk to you at dinner but you ran away. And if I hadn't followed you into the forest, you might be dead."

"Oh so you can break up with me and then follow me, bring me into your bed and just pretend everything's fine?"

Will look a step forward, "Nico... I... didn't..."

Nico glared at him, "Leave me alone." He spat, before slamming the door of the Apollo cabin behind him.

* * *

Nico sat in his cabin, it was far too dark. He closed his eyes and leaned back into his bed. He tried to remember what had happened last night, but he couldn't remember anything after walking away from Will at dinner. He felt a pain in his chest remembering what Will had said. Nico curled up in a ball.

There was a knock at the door and someone stepped in.

"Go away." Nico snarled.

He heard footsteps approaching his bed.

"Nico, can we talk?" Will said, sitting down next to him.

"No, surprisingly enough." Nico grumbled.

Will stayed there, next to him, and Nico couldn't help thinking that he was glad that Will didn't leave.

"You know," Will started, "I didn't mean it like that, I was just frustrated and... I don't know what I'd do without you. I don't know what to say because I was such a dick. I wasn't thinking and you just keep putting yourself in danger and you don't listen to me and I care about you so much. I just thought... that if I wasn't there you wouldn't do stupid things. But that was..." His voice trailed off as Nico sat up.

"I should be pissed at you right now." Nico said, "But I'm not."

"You're not?" Will asked.

"No. Because for some strange reason I still love your dumb ass as much as I hate it." He glared at Will, the son of Apollo looked back at him with his blue eyes. "I've just had the worst twelve hours of my life because of you." Nico complained. Will nodded, "I have too." Nico raised an eyebrow, "Because of me you've had the worst twelve hours of your life?"

Will shook his head, "No, because of me. I was stupid."

"You really were." He turned to Will, "I'm glad its over." He said as he leaned in and planted a kiss on Will's cheek. He pulled away and Will's cheeks were red, "So... we're okay?" he asked.

Nico glared at him, "No we're not Will, at least you're not."

"Am I ever okay though?"

"Fair point."

Then they just sat there, in silence, together. Eventually Will turned to Nico, "I'm sorry."

"I know." Nico grumbled, leaning into his boyfriend. "Next time don't-"

Will cut him off, "There won't be a next time, di Angelo. I promise." Nico smiled into Will's shirt.

The son of Apollo cleared his throat, "So... you took them to California."

Nico nodded, "Yeah, they wanted to leave so I took them where they needed to go, it was the best I could do. I have them supplies and proper weapons. I figured they would be better off with a little help rather then trying to sneak out of camp and get killed right away. I should have gotten you, I'm sorry."

Will hugged him, "You did the right thing, but you..." his voice broke, "You have to stop shadow traveling as much. It's going to kill you one of these days." Will said it with a half hearted smile, but Nico knew how concerned he was. "You keep putting yourself in danger, and I've seen you so close to the edge. Nico, I want you alive... I need you alive."

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