Chapter 21

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~ Nico ~

Frank offered them his predors house, Frank would take the bed and both Will and himself could take a couch. They had agreed. It wasn't night time, but he was exhausted, so he slept.

His dreams at camp Jupiter where no better than dreams at camp Half Blood. He dreamed of the other day when he had pushed Will in the water.


Nico put his hand on Will's chest, "Go to Hades." He said, before pushing him into the icy water.

The cold shot through him as he was pushed up by the naiads. He looked up at the smirking face of Nico di Angelo, "I'm not ready to meet your father, Nico. Gods, you're taking this to fast."

Nico only rolled his eyes.

"You are the worst."

His boyfriend grinned, "Oh, I know. Don't worry."

"I won't. Now help me get out of here before I drown."

Nico extended a hand, "I know you're going to pull me in, Solace."

"I won't, gods. Have a little bit of faith."

Will grabbed Nico's out stretched hand and pulled. And he off the dock with a splash.

And then he was in water. He tried to reach the surface but the water seemed to hold him back. This wasn't right, he could swim. The last time he'd swam was... well years ago.

His eyes stung but he kept them open, he made eye contact with a naiad but she just shook her head. No can do, son of Hades. She said his father's name like an insult. Of course she did. The water wasn't his domain. He belonged to the shadows, to the underworld, and to the dead.

He was drowning. Spots danced before his eyes as the last of his air rose to the surface. He had to get up, but the more he fought the deeper he sank. Why was this happening? It shouldn't be. But it was. His thoughts faded away as a shape moved toward Nico in the water. He could tell it was a person, most likely Will.

Nico knew he was running out of time, he was stuck in the water, he tried to swim to the surface but the harder he tried the faster he sank. Eventually he gave up.

He closed his eyes. When he opened them he was on the shore, he looked up at the face of Will Solace, the son of Apollo's eyes were filled with worry. Nico opened his eyes, "Hello."

Will blinked, "Gods, you scared me."

"Good. You deserve it."

"Don't you ever do that again."

"That wasn't acting you know,"Nico said before sitting up, "The stupid naiads didn't want to catch me. I'm a son of Hades." His tone was bitter and Will briefly wondered why.

"Well, I'll have Percy talk to them. I can't have my death boy drowning on me, now can I?" He gently pinched Nico's cheek.

"I'm going to toss myself back in if you don't stop." Nico threatened.

"Whatever, let's go get warmed up before we both die of hypothermia."

"Good plan."


Nico woke up to Will's face a few inches away from his own, "What the heck?"

Will put his finger to his lips, "Shhh. Frank is still asleep. I wanted you to show me around, without anyone else. Just us." Will's smile was what made him say yes.

"Fine, I'll be out in one minute." He forced himself not to show that he was happy, knowing Will, if he got up willingly one day and showed his excitement, there would be many more early mornings.

Will smiled as he left the room, allowing Nico to get dressed.

* * *

Nico stepped onto the porch, Will smiled at him, and offered his arm. Nico batted it away, "Will, you made me get up early, there is no way in Hades that I'll hold your hand."

Will rolled his eyes, "What am I going to do with you, di Angelo?"

"The same thing I'll do with you, Solace."

"And what's that?"

"I suppose I might just keep you."

Will raised his eyebrows, "You might?"

"I might." Nico agreed.

"Well, in that case, I'll keep you around."


The shared a smile and began to walk, Will wrapped his arm around Nico's shoulders as they strolled through the camp. Nico didn't even mind, he was thinking about other matters. Like, Hazel for instance. She was his sister, his half sister, but still his sister. And he couldn't help but worry as they headed to the temples.

Last night Frank had said that they should tell Hazel tomorrow, he had offered them his predors house, Frank would take the bed and both Will and himself could take a couch. They had agreed, Nico had agreed. He wanted to tell Hazel he was gay, and that he had a boyfriend. But he hesitated, Hazel Levesque had been raised in the 1930s. And he didn't know what she would say. She had always been there for him, but nothing like this had ever come up in casual conversation.

'Hey, Hazel, how do you feel about people who are gay?' 'Oh, I'm fine with that Nico!'

Nope, he'd never had that conversation.

Will squeezed his shoulder, "Hey, death boy, are you even listening?"


Will stopped walking, "Nico, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." He forced a smile.

"No, you aren't." The son of Apollo faced him and looked him in the eyes, "Tell me what's wrong."

"I don't know if my sister will...." His voice broke, usually Will would tease him, but instead he just wrapped his arms around him and held him there. Nico felt warm. He felt safe. He felt happy.

"Hey, Nico."


"Look at me, look me in the eye and tell me that no matter what you know at least one person will be there for you."

Nico looked up, "I know that. Because no matter right, you'll always be there."

Will smiled and kissed the top of Nico's head, "That's right death boy."

At that moment, Nico didn't care that Will was using the nickname that annoyed him the most, he only cared that Will was there, with his arms around him. It was perfect and for the first time in his life he wanted this moment to last forever.

He pulled away from Will, "Thanks, sunshine."

Will's eyes twinkled, "Sunshine? Is that my new nickname?"

"Possibly." Nico said, taking Will's hand in his own.

Will laughed, "Well, I like it."

"You like it? In that case it's got to change."

"I think it suits me. I'm the light of your life after all."

"You wish." Nico said, unable to hide his smile as they turned a corner.

"Nico?" A voice breathed.

He turned to see his sister, Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto, centurion of the fifth cohort, standing there, with her eyes wide with disbelief. And all his fears came back.

anyone remember the 'hello' part (other than bob) from something else? does it seem familiar? it's from one of my books... that much i can tell you! leave a comment to let me know when you have figured it out!

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