Chapter 24

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~ Nico ~

His half sister stopped mid conversation and gaped at them, the expression on her face went from happy to repulsed in a matter of seconds. She started to fan her face, in that cute way she did whenever she was uncomfortable with something. Then she managed to smile, "I knew it!"

Nico sat up, "Knew what?"

"You met someone."


Will put his arm around Nico, "And that someone is me."

Hazel smiled, "I'm happy for the two of you."

"Are you sure? When you walked in and saw us... for a few moments you looked disgusted. As if something was wrong."

Hazel frowned, "Well, yes." Her cheeks flushed a deep red, "The two of you kissed..."

"So?" Will asked, "It's not like we aren't allowed, there isn't much difference between two guys kissing in public and a guy and a girl."

Hazel shuffled her feet, "That's not what I meant, it doesn't matter who... just that you kissed."

Will stared at her, uncomprehending. Frank cleared his throat, "I'm glad you found someone Nico."

Nico smiled as he slipped his hand into Will's, "I am too."

Will looked at them, confused, "But why is it a problem for us to kiss?"

Frank put his hand on Hazels shoulder and looked at Nico, "You told him about Hazel, right?"

Nico nodded, "Of course." He glanced at his sister, "Not everything, just the important parts."

"What about Hazel? What did you tell me?"

Nico turned to his boyfriend, "She was born in 1928. Remember?"

The son of Apollo looked at Hazel, "No."

Nico rolled his eyes, "Well, now you know."


"She isn't used to modern day things, like cell phones and showing public affection."

"Oh." Will smiled, "You're okay with me and Nico?"

The daughter of Pluto grinned, "Of course!"

"Good." Will leaned over and gave Nico a peck on the cheek, which was enough to make Hazel avert her eyes and start to fan her face.

* * *

Will turned towards him, big blue eyes pleading. "Can we go see the unicorns?"

"You already saw them."

"I want to see them again."

Nico rolled his eyes, "Fine, but they don't like me."

* * *

He leaned against the door frame, watching the son of Apollo brush the unicorns.

"You chose well." A voice said.

Nico turned to find Reyna, "I didn't choose him."

The daughter of Bellona raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

He sighed, "Love is a strange thing, Reyna."

"Tell me about it."

He didn't reply, he just watched Will.

"di Angelo," Reyna started, "I have someone who wants to talk to you."



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