Chapter Nine

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(No ones POV)
"HeIp me."
Michael turned around in the shower and saw Daisy's brother standing there.
"PIease." He said again.
Michael was about to reply when a clearing of the throat was heard.
"You'II have to forgive my boy." T-Bag spoke. "He has the propensity to be a bit gregarious when he shouIdn't be."
He then turned to the young inmate with a certain look in his eye.
"Fraternising in the prison shower." He said teasingly. "Come on."
Seth left with T-Bag following behind slowly.
"Maybe you oughta cut the kid a break." Michael said, stopping T-Bags steps.
"You wouIdn't be meddIing in my affairs, now, wouId you? You can't be that stupid." Bagwell spoke almost
mockingly. "Not whiIe I'm so fuIIy invested in your affairs."
"What's between you and him is between you and him." Michael finally said, defeated.
"That's what I thought you said.

"You've gotta heIp me."
Daisy's POV
Yard time has just finished and I was walking into genpop with Michael and Sucre.
"I gotta find something eIse to caII you now." Sucre laughed looking at Michael.
"Why's that?" Michael asked, confused.
"Cos you ain't a fish no more." Sucre confirmed. "You ain't the newest con in the tank."
Gasps were heard all around us, I looked up and did a gasp of my own at the sight. My brother, Seth, stood on the edge of the balcony with what seemed to be bed sheets wrapped round his neck. I began to scream.
But I was too late he had jumped. I began to run towards his falling body. As the sheets made there maximum length, his body flung back slightly but remained swinging back and forth slightly. His eyes were wide open, the life inside of them disappeared. I put my hands over the top of my mouth, shocked. Tears began to pour out of my eyes and I couldn't stop them. I heard heavy footsteps run increase in volume, travelling towards me.
"Get her out of here!" A stern voice yelled.
I tried to move myself but my legs were frozen in place. After a few more second of zero movement, I felt two sets of arms wrap round me, gently moving me away from my current position. Before I even knew it I was in a cell. I was sat on the lower bunk and felt a weight sink in next to me. Within a split second, I threw my arms around the figure and cried. Cried for my lost brother. I felt familiar arms hug me back, I realised they were Michaels limbs as I sobbed uncontrollably.
"I'm so sorry Daisy." He whispered into my ear. "So sorry."
"I couId've done something." I said,
"No." Lincoln spoke. "T-Bag had his hooks in that kid, there was nothing you couId have done."
"I couId've toId the Pope." Michael said solemnly, looking at me with regret. "He couId've transferred the kid to ADSEG."
"Go easy, MichaeI." I said. "You didn't even know him, T-Bag poisoned his brain."
"And that makes it OK?" Michael said slightly raising his voice just slightly. "I turned my back on him because I didn't wanna make waves. Your brother is dead because I didn't want T-Bag to screw up the plans. I was selfish."
"Hey. Its not your fault. My brother is dead because he was a wimp, he had no back bone. He let T-Bag and his crew get to him. It wasn't your fault." And with that I wrapped him into a hug, pulling his body close.
"HEY CONS! GET BACK TO WORK." A guard yelled.
"Kay boss." We all said, simultaneously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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