Chapter Three

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There was a loud buzz and all of a sudden I heard the yells of men.

"Alright Ladies go up to your cells. Lights out in 10 minutes." I heard an officer yell. I watched as men ranging ages walked past my cell majority glancing in and smirking, they began to say vulgar things and I began to tear up. I sunk back into my seat and turned my back to the door and the men round my cell. I brought my knees up into my chest and silently sobbed. I ignored any comments that I heard and remained in this position until I heard a loud voice.

"Lights out!" It said, I raised my head as it went pitch black. I moved underneath my covers and shut my eyes once more, almost instantly I fell asleep.

A buzz noise woke me up and once I'd opened my eyes I saw my cell door being open. Two officers that I had not yet met walked into my cell.

"Hoffner get up your going to the medical ward." the larger officer said to me. The other officer moved out of the way so that I could be lead out of my cell. I stood up and the officer whose name tag read 'Bellick' took hold of my wrist and began to drag me up of my cell. I follow him out, trying to keep up with him. My eyes remain avoiding the eyes of others.

After about a 5 minute walk we reached the sickbay and it only had 2 men within that appeared to still be asleep, I was so glad. The guards lead me into a separate room at the left of the sickbay, it had all sorts of medicines and doctors equipment inside. Once I got in I noticed a woman with auburn-brown hair. She turned around and smiled widely at me, they glanced towards the guards behind me and nodded. They released me and walked away.

"Hi Daisy, I'm Dr Tancredi but you can just call me Sarah." She said to me. I just smiled slightly and nodded. She took this as a sign to carry on speaking, "So I've read your file and it says that you have anxiety and diabetes? That must be difficult."

Once again I just nodded.

"You know you can talk to me I don't bite, your safe in here." She said softly, sitting down beside me. I took a deep breath.

"Yes it is quite difficult to have both of them, sometimes I wish I could just have one but I know I can't do that." I said quietly, playing with my fingers.

"Technology hasn't advanced yet for us to figure out a way to rid of diabetes but I'm sure we could try and settle your anxiety during some of your visits, what caused your anxiety?" She asked, cautiously. I felt like I could trust her she seemed nice and I'd never really told anyone before.

"Well growing up my older brother Seth and I were kind of in the care system bouncing from home to home and sometimes we were put in homes where we weren't treated very nicely and others they were ok but Seth used to get us kicked out. One time when I was 14 or 15 I asked to be put in a separate home to him because I was tired of moving every month to a new home because he'd got in trouble with the police or stolen from the people who had taken us in. I was put in a home with a nice man and woman who couldn't have children so they fostered me. I was all going well but then the woman got sick- really sick, she died. Me and the man were very upset about it but he took it to the extreme, he started drinking and eventually became drunk every night, he would forget to buy food and spend all of his money of alcohol, he lost his job. This led him to begin... hitting me and doing other things that are unspeakable but I was eventually moved out of that house as a neighbour had heard commotion and called the police and placed in a home with my brother. Ever since then I've been anxious." I finished, finally looking up for the first time and making eye contact with Sarah.

"Ohh Daisy I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that." She said.

I just shrugged.

"Well I'm just going to give you your shot and give you some pills to take for your anxiety. Ok?" She stated.

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