Chapter Four

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Sucre, Michael and I sat on the bleachers and just talked, about our lives- well I say lives, we hadn't got onto mine yet and I felt like Michael was hiding something's but I didn't judge, he would've told us if he wanted us to know.

"- and Maricruz was just like, 'Nando!' and I was just like 'What?'" We all laughed. "So Daisy, what about you? What was your life like before prison?"

I was hesitant to tell them, could I trust them? They did save me from a perverted man... I decided to tell them.

"Well just to start off, I have diabetes and anxiety..." I went on to tell them what I had told Sarah earlier on in the medics office. "... and yeah once me and Seth were out of the system, when I turned 18, we bought a flat for ourselves and I got a job but all he did was get in trouble all the time, I don't think it was always his fault though, he made friends with people who really influenced his decisions and didn't make either of our lives easy. It's his faults that I'm in here."

"How did he get you in here?" Michael asked.

"Well it was my birthday and we never really celebrate it, but this year Seth said that my present was outside and I was astounded when I saw a car outside. I couldn't have been happier, we both had our licenses so we could drive it freely. I never thought about where he had got it from. One day when I was driving around I was pulled over by some cops and I was instantly arrested, no explanation whatsoever. Once I got to the police station I was told that the car I was driving was 'stolen' I obviously defended myself and said that it wasn't and that my brother got it me for my birthday because I thought it was. The officers left me at the station whilst they went to search my home, whilst they were there they found everything. The tools Seth had used to break into the car and the driver. Seth had kidnapped the driver and had kept him in our basement. I couldn't believe it! After getting him out of so much shit I couldn't help with this so I just let them bring him in and arrest him. I expected to be let go because the officers knew I had no clue what was going on but Seth had made the whole operation look like a two person job and when he was questioned he blamed it on me. The driver was almost dead and still on life support now so we were both sentenced and sent here. The woman's penitentiary was over crowded. I'm never forgiving Seth for what he did." I said, taking a breath and tears coming back to my eyes. This time it was Michael who wrapped his arms around me.

"Don't worry Daisy, your going to be fine here, you've got us." He said, smiling. I smiled back a slight unnoticeable blush coming to my cheeks.

"Thank you guys, I'm just really glad I've made friends like you." I said to them both. "I'm also really glad I have a cell to myself, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't."

"What cell are you in?" Sucre asked.

"Um... 41 I think." I replied. "What about you guys what cells are you in?"

"That's next to ours! We share cell 40 Mami." He exclaimed.

"Oh good!" I squealed, launching myself at both of them into a hug.

There was a loud buzz sounded across the yard, the large guard made his was over to us.

"Scofield, Sucre, Hoffner.... PI duties follow me." He said. He then went to retrieve other men who were on PI and we all made our way to the grass land on the outside of the yard.

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