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- Friday, June 8 -

"Hey Liz, wanna do something later?" Ethan texted me.
"Sure. Stop by around 6?" I texted back.
"Sounds good, see you then" he texted back. I shut off my phone and laid back under my covers. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I've been playing the arguement in my head, over and over again. The more I thought about it, the more I felt quilty. It's not my fault. He didn't contact me. I moved on. But I felt bad. I hurt him.

It was 5:45, i was brushing my hair when there was a knock on the front  door.
"Han can you get it? It's Ethan!" I yelled from my room. I heard the door open and Hanna yell what the hell?
I stood up about and my door flew open.
"Tez?!" I said shocked.
"Liz, oh my god I've missed you." He said hugging me and I hugged him back. He was out of breath.
"What happened?" I asked worried.
"Look we have to make this fast. Hayes is on his way here. He wants to talk to you." He said.
"Talk to her about what?" I heard from my doorway. Ethan stood there confused. He walked up to me an put an arm around me.
"Um, oh, wait. Is this?" He stuttered.
"Hey Liz, Hayes is at the front door." Hanna said.
"What the hell is going on?" I said to myself.
Hayes walked in my room.
"So is this the new guy?" Hayes asked.
"I'll be leaving now." Tez said awkwardly. He left the room, so did Hanna.
"New guy?" He questioned Hayes. Hayes neever took his eyes off me.
"What are you doing here Hayes?" I asked.
"Can we talk without an audience please?" He asked.
"Nah bro, I dont think that's such a good idea." Ethan said.
"She can speak for herself." Hayes said through gritted teeth.
"Stop! Hayes I asked you a question. Why are you here?" I asked.
"I needed to apologize. I'm not going to let this be like last time." He said.
"I'm not doing this again Hayes." I said.
"Can we please just talk?" He asked.
"Look, I have plans tonight. So if you'd just move-" I said trying to walk past him. He grabbed my arm. Ethan pushed him.
"Get the fuck off her." He said.
"What are you going to do about it?" Hayes said pushing Ethan. Ethan punched his jaw knocking Hayes back a little. Before Hayes could fight back I stood between them, Hayes stopping his fist right next to me. He looked at me, my face showing fear and anger.
"What the he'll is wrong with you two?!" I yelled.
"Both of you, get out!" I said.
"But Liz-" Ethan started to say.
"No, I understand you were defending me, but that's not your place. You're not my boyfriend and I can handle myself. Please just leave." I said.
"I'm sorry." He said walking out. I bit  my lip seeing him leave.
"What the hell was that?" I asked tuthing towaeds Hayes.
"He started it." He said.
"Why the hell are you here? To ruin any chance at happiness for me?" I asked.
"I let you walk out on me for the last time. It pissed me off thinking about you with another guy. You're supposed to be with me Liz." He said walking towards me. His lip was bleeding.
"You're bleeding.." I said quietly.
"C'mon." I said, I grabbed his hand leading him to the bathroom. He sat on the toilet while I cleaned his wound.
"You still care about me you know. You wouldn't be helping me right Now." He said.
"Of course I still care about you Hayes." I said.
"So, that guy isn't your boyfriend?" He asked.
"No." I said. I finished cleaning his wound and put everything away. I stood in front of the countwe staring at the floor.
"Liz, I can't be without you for another day." He said walking in front of me.
"I dont want to ruin your happiness. I just want us to be happy together." He said putting a hand on my hip. He lifted my chin up with his finger and tucked a hair behind my ear.
"I love you Elizabeth." He said. He cupped my cheek and leaned in. This time, i didn't pull away. This time, I wanted this. I craved this. Our lips met and moved together. The passion that we shared in this kiss felt like we were out of breath and each other's lips were air.
He pulled away. I looked at him.
"You called me Elizabeth." I said, a slight smile creeping onto my face.
"What?" He was confused.
"You've never called me Elizabeth." I said.
"It's because I'm serious. I Love you." He said.
"I love you too." I said looking into his eyes. His face light up like a Kid at a birthday party, recieving his most wanted gift.
"Can we just start over? I can't imagine another day without you." He said.
"Yes." I said. He smiled and kissed me again.

I've never realized how much I've missed this. These kisses, these moments, him. For the past 7 month, I've tried to ignore everything. Every feeling I had for him and every moment we shared together. But being with him, makes me remember. This kiss made me remember. I love him. I never want to lose him again.

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