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- Tuesday, June 5 -

I drove to the familiar apartment building and ran up the stairs and knocked on the door.
"Liz?" Megan asked. I pushed past her.
"Did you see the interview?" I asked pacing.
"Yea, um Liz-" she started.
"Why does he think he can just barge himself back into my life without a single but of communication for the past 7 months?" I said rambling.
"Liz, i-" she said.
"Meg I know we haven't spoke in a while. And you know he's the reason. So can you help-" I said.
"Liz?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I froze, with the voice echoing in my ears. I looked up at Meg who has a sorry look on her face.
"He's been here the whole time and you didn't tell me?" I asked quietly, not turning around.
"I'll let you two talk." She said walking out of the room. I stood there not turning around. I thought that the glimpse of him presence would break me. I felt him walk closer to me and I took a step further away from him.
"Liz." He said.
"Stop. This isn't happening." I said.
"Please look at me." He said touching my arm. I moved it from his reach.
"Come on, I've waited for this moment for 7 months." He said.
"Really? You didn't show it." I said.
"Can we just talk about this?" He asked. I finally turned around. He face lit up and he hugged me.
"I missed you so much." He said. I just stood there. He pulled away to look at me and gave me a sad look.
"Please hug me back." He said.
He waited for me to hug him as we just stared at each other. I shook my head and pushed him away to sit on the couch. He followed me.
He sat by me and waited for me to say something.
"I waited." I said.
"What?" He asked.
"I waited for you. For a text, a call, I even waited at your front door. I waited for you to tell me we could stay together and work it out. I waited for you to tell me you love me and that you couldn't bare to see a day without us together. But I guess it was just a fantasy." I said looking down at my hands.
"Even if I texted you, I know I'd drop everything to be with you. I didn't want to do that for my career." He said.
"I'm not mad that you chose a career over me. I'm not even mad that you slept with me and dropped that big of a bomb after. I'm mad because you lied to me. You told me we would work it out, and that you loved me then pretended like we never even happened. Now you're here like none of that happened." I said looking up at him.
"Are you kidding me? Do you think it was easy for me? You don't know how many times I've picked up the phone wanting to call you and tell you everything that happened each and every single day. How Ive counted down the days til I got to see you again. How I've spent the first few months crying myself to sleep because you weren't with me." He said.
"You act like I'm such a bad guy. Just because I hurt you doesn't mean it didn't hurt me too. I love you Liz. I just want you back in my life." He said as a tear fell down my cheek. He lifted his hand to my face and wiped it away with his thumb. I looked at him.
"Please, be mine again." He whispered. He leaned in. I quickly shot up and pushed him away.
"No. You dont get to come back into my life after breaking my heart. No. Not after I'm finally starting to be happy again." I said. I started rushing to the door grabbing my bag. I walked to the front door opening it. He slammed it shut, standing behind me.
"You're not walking out on me again." He said. He grabbed my arm and turned me around.
"Im not going to throw away everything we had." He said. He stood in front of me with one hand next to my face.
"I'm not doing this Hayes. You're not stealing my happiness away!" I said.
"So thats what this has come to? If you stay with me, I'm happy and you're not? What if you leave? You're happy and I'm not. Why can't we just be happy together like we used to be?" He asked.
"It'll never be like it used to be!" I slightly yelled. He slammed his fist next to me face making me scared.
"We were supposed to look each other in the eyes and fall back in love." He said quietly.
"This isn't a fairy tale Hayes. I've started over. I'm happy now." I said.
"How are you happy when im miserable?" He asked.
"I started over. I moved on Hayes." I said.
"If you moved on, you wouldn't have barged over and freaked out on Megan like that after reading my text." He said, a slight smirk on his lips.
"I met someone." I said. He face fell. He backed away from me. He shook he head and knocked everything off the table next to us, glass breaking everywhere.
"I'm sorry. But I waited, now I'm done waiting." I said.
"Goodbye Hayes." I said. I walked out the door. This time, I didn't wait. I didn't wait for him to run after me. I didn't wait for him to beg me to stay one more time. Because I knew after what I said, this was the last time. This was the end of us.

We Can Make It Work // hayes grierWhere stories live. Discover now