Chapter Nineteen

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Jasper growled. This supposedly educated books were telling him nothing.  He wished for the doctor to confirm his suspicions; however, the doctor was away on business.

"Blasted children being born," he muttered, flipping a page with one hand and brushing his tousled hair back with the other. Not only were his books almost useless without a proper doctor or understanding, but his guests were loud and often times troublesome.

His poor mother. Her room had flooded with best wishes as soon as word got out that she was ill. However, Arabella remained by her side and shooed guests away politely if the Duchess clearly did not enjoy their company. On second thought, she could be waiting to poison again if she was the poisoner. Once again he reasoned that she had uninterrupted access to the Duchess's food, drink, and even clothing. While he highly suspected Delilah, he had never heard an outright confession or seen hard evidence. As he had come to believe, Arabella had been switched with her twin. Perhaps she was angry and saw it as unjust. However, Arabella seemed to be the type to process anger logically. But it seemed that Delilah functioned on pure malice. Perhaps she really was as mad as Arabella suspected.

Doubts clouded his mind. He wished that he was slow to suspect either. Why was life so hard upon him? His two suspects were people he cared about.

He sighed and carefully bookmarked his page and was about to return the books to his desk when a creak in the floor made him freeze.

"Oh darling! You know I love to read! What delicious book could be capturing you so intently?"

Before he had a chance to conceal the book, Delilah had snatched it from his hands. Her fingernails even accidentally swiped the skin off of his hand.

"Delilah! That is my personal business and my personal library," he muttered, nursing his hand as she dramatically flipped open the book. As a result of his convenient page marker, the traitorous book revealed the research on the poison. Her hands froze and she almost dropped the book. The pallor of her face made her almost seem deathly ill.

"Nightshade? Belladonna?" Her voice came out high pitched and screechy. "Why ever would you research such grim things?"

He decided that her reaction was as much of a confession as she was willing to give anytime soon. He just needed proof.

"I think you know why, my darling," he said, emphasizing a sneer on 'darling'.

Her hand flew to her throat as if to comfort or defend herself.

"Why Jasper! How could you accuse me of such a horrible thing as poisoning your mother?"

He looked into her eyes, simmering with pure, unadulterated rage. "I never mentioned my mother."

She cleared her throat, becoming even paler.

"Oh. Of c-course. I just assumed because... Because she's ill. Was she even poisoned? How silly of me! Too many novels I'm afraid." Her laugh was more of a frightened squeak than an innocent defense. "I must powder my nose. If you'll excuse me."

Before he could protest, the heavy book landed slammed into his foot with a thud and Delilah was pattering down the hall. Her footfalls became fainter and he cursed. Bloody book! Ignoring the pain in his toes, he marched after her. Scared and confused servants practically jumped out of his way. Would Delilah just leave? Runaway without a second thought? She had no money nor status. If she was living on his property then surely her parents had cut her off from her inheritance and dowry. The aristocratic nightmare. But she was not even an aristocrat. She was like Will, born to a family with no name or title but a reasonable amount of money. No wonder she had tried so hard to secure a marriage with him. Commoner to duchess was a fair leap upon the social ladder.

Jasper only become angrier. She would probably disappear without a trace and never be brought to justice. He moaned in despair. He had no proof!


Arabella nodded politely as yet another guest offered well wishes. While the wishes where delivered fluently, the sentiment was lacking. It seemed most of the eligible young ladies, if they could be called as such, had decided that the Duke truly loved them and that Arabella had stolen his heart. She almost let out a most unladylike snort at the thought. Not only did these ladies sound as dramatic as Alice, but she had in no way stolen his heart. In fact, he seemed to have become end more reserved and cold lately.

Lost in her own thoughts, Arabella did not hear or see Delilah flying wildly down the corridor. Suddenly shoved roughly to the side, Arabella slammed into the wall. She cried out. Certainly, that would develop into bruise. Even more to her shock, Jasper followed, bolting down the hallway. She frowned. What was this chase? It did not seem playful or flirtatious and was assuredly improper. Jasper seemed to be limping slightly.

She quickly stood, gathered her skirts, and followed.


Sorry it took so long! But it's finally here! Things will be wrapping up within the next few chapters. I'm excited for the sequel! Happy reading! Update soon I promise.
~Emmilin Clerk

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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