Chapter Four

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"Why did I ever think you would be faithful?" She let out another sharp, shaky breath.

This was a bloody mess. Frustrated, Jasper buried his head in his hands.

"You must understand my point of view. You've trapped me into this marriage and have suddenly become 'bashful'. I'm a man and I have needs."

Her lovely cheeks streaked with tears and became a tinted pink. She still held her chin high and made him feel as if she were superior.

"Did your father teach you to respect women?"

He choked. "What?"

"I asked if your father-"

"Yes, I heard."

She folded her hands and looked up expectantly. "Well?" she prompted.

"Yes, he has indeed."

"Then act like it. The excuse you gave has to be the lamest thing I have ever heard."

"What am I supposed to do? Avoid a woman's company?"

"Yes!" Anger blistered in her beautiful eyes, making them seem livelier than ever. Her pout made her heart shaped face seem more delicate.

Why was he thinking these things? Shaking his head, he cleared his throat.


"Very good, Your Grace."

"It's 'Jasper' he gritted out between his teeth. "Have you forgotten that we're getting married?"

She turned wipe her cheeks, and replied, "It was not I who forgot."

He couldn't help but stand there, numb and helpless as she seemed to leisurely walk back to the party.

Her startling mention of his father and her overall presence overwhelmed him. Jasper could barely think for himself.

She was so confusing. What had happened to the shockingly bold lady- er, woman shall we say- he had embraced?

He hoped she wouldn't go spewing out about the situation. He could only imagine his mother's look of horror and the vicious rumors that would begin to circulate and ruin his name.

He also hated the idea of potentially wedding a gossiper with a tongue that can never settle long enough to lie flat.

But so far, her character seemed more mature than petty.

Why did this all have to be so frustrating? Couldn't he just have a mousy wife to accept his affairs and the fact that he didn't love and move onto embroidery?

Then again, he would probably go insane with someone so boring.


Sadly, Arabella could no longer avoid the word "marriage". Her impending doom seemed far less impending.

She sighed as yet another pin pricked her skin. She had been standing still for hours, and her arms had lost feeling some time ago. The things her mother had to say about that fact were that her dress "was utterly adorable" and that Arabella was giving her a headache from her "infernal whining".

"Do get blood on the dress!" Her mother cried out and that was her only concern. Alice had a confusing mix of jealous rage and gloating as she watched her sister standing on the seamstress's stool.

While Arabella did not have more than a mere thread of sympathy for her sister, her walls had wavered and they had reunited in their childhood chambers. However, Alice still had her tantrums and was as irritable as ever.

Things had not changed much, except for Jasper's occasional social calls and her mother's forbid of risqué romance novels of any kind- which happened to be Alice's favorite.

The same dinners that used to be cheerful times full of the day's stories now were a silent time of silverware clicking and picked at food.

Once the seamstress grunted- because of the pins in her mouth- and gestured for Arabella to hop down, she did gladly. Circling her wrists and ankles to restore circulation and relieve the aching in her joints, she jumped when His Grace burst into the quaint shop. The tittering assistants hushed and panicked to hide her dress. Ridiculous superstition. If a marriage was doomed, like her own, it didn't matter if the groom saw the dress.

She grit her teeth and forced on a small smile. "Your Grace! How lovely to see you?" She hoped her usually turquoise eyes reminded him of something toxic or unpleasant. Such as himself.

"Lady Arabella."

His kissed her hand and both parties acted as if they had been burned.

When had she gotten so pessimistic? While she had always been practical, she still looked for the positive. Now, it seemed, all she saw was negative.


Sorry it took so long. It's more of a filler and was super hard to write- idk why. you guys! It'll get somewhat spicy soon! I'm also planning a sequel about Alice so don't hate on her too much!

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