Chapter Nine

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Nothing could describe the anger in Jasper's eyes. He did not want to love his wife, but seeing her casually dining with another man infuriated him.

"Your wife? I thought you were determined to never marry."

Will seemed almost unchanged from when Jasper watched him fade into the glittering sea three years ago. He wondered if sailing to Africa and back could be managed so quickly.

"Well some things cannot be helped," Jasper said, glaring at Arabella. He knew it was wrong to blame her and that he should be relieved that they had confused the twins, but he still hated the fact that he was married. She now stood in the corner, looking sheepish as his mother gushed over her.

"Ah, I see. Arranged marriage?"


"On the contrary. I think you are very fortunate indeed."

Although he agreed, he blurted out, "Utter rubbish."

"Do you think, my friend," Will started, casually circling around Jasper and leaning in to whisper in his ear, "you are afraid?"

Jasper tensed. "You must be waterlogged, my friend, or finally lost your wits. I, Duke of York, am not afraid of marriage nor will I ever be."

His friend smirked. "I've struck a chord, I see. Don't worry, chum, it happens to the best of us."

"I ask you to restrain yourself, Wilder. I might have to say something not fit for a woman's ears," he replied, pouring himself some wine and gesturing to his wife and mother.

"Describe your wife. She intrigues me."

"She is off limits," Jasper replied sternly, like a father telling a child that they couldn't have dessert, "and she is very stubborn."

His childhood friend let out a chuckle and brushed a hand across his cheek. "I know. She was determined to walk to- I bet you can't calculate where."

"The Pennines."

The excitement left Will's eyes. In turn, Jasper rolled his. "I at least know my wife."

Will sighed, "I wanted to see you flounder for an answer. You always got everything right at Eton. But that is not the point. I offered her a ride to rest her feet and escort her to the nearest inn and she refused. After I had finally managed to convince her- you know I know how to control the weaker sex-" At this point Jasper rolled his eyes. "Get on with it, Wilder."

"But when I moved closer, she slapped me."

Jasper smiled broadly and laughed. "You probably deserved it. And keep your bloody hands off my wife."

"No need to use such crude language. I may be a sailor, but sometimes you appall my senses," Will responded, playfully imitating their mothers.

"You appall me, crude language or not."

"Once again, with the insults to a childhood friend. I feel as if I am under open fire."

"You are very lucky I was rational and did not attack you or throw down the gauntlet."

Will rolled his eyes. "Very lucky, I suppose."

Jasper turned. "Are you mocking me?"

"Very much so, yes."

Jasper cracked his knuckles, took a breath, and swung.


"Good lord!" Her mother in-law jumped and the cracking sound.

"I was just teasing, mate!" Will cried out, nursing his newly inflicted wound.

"You deserved it," Jasper replied, gently nudging his friend with the tip on his boot.

Soon his mother was upon him. She held the back of his jacket in one hand and his ear in the other. "Ow! Mother! I am a grown man!"

"Then act like it! And you! Will, you know better than to provoke a response from a man in love."

Arabella watched from her chair and smiled to herself. Ignoring the rules of your etiquette, she places her elbows on the table and leaned her cheek onto her hands. It was nice to see uptight and sometimes cruel Jasper become almost like a child. It was also calming to know that her mother in-law was a kind and gentle woman, who understood that her son and his wife both had flaws.

"I am not in love, Mother."

Arabella's smile melted like a sugar spun figurine held over a flame. She tensed and her heart stopped beating. She had thought this would change things. That him running after her meant something. "I guess I was wrong," Arabella whispered, controlling her emotions just long enough to excuse herself and flee from that stuffy, horrid room. She didn't even bother to pick her chair up from where it fell after her.

"Of course running away wouldn't work. How could I be so obtuse?"

This marriage was going to ruin her. Already she had begun to act without thinking properly before making a decision.

She continued downstairs, ignoring all the inebriated men. She continued out to the thick night air, the rain pouring down instantly soaking one of the few evening gowns she had brought. She hugged herself, wishing she hadn't been so daft as to not grab her wraps or the dusty green coat she had left on the chair.

Why did this always seem to happen to her?

A coat was draped against her shoulders. She turned. Jasper backed away a few steps. "I'm sorry. It's... It's not your fault."

He turned to go.



"I'm sorry, too," she replied, sidestepping him and returning to the inn.

When she turned back, he sat in the rain with his head in his hands.


This is my apology chapter! Hope you love it! Just some good old fun character development. Jasper you poor silly goose. Anyone else agree?


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