Chapter Fourteen

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Arabella was late. And dreadfully so. While she was allowed to dine in her chambers, she could not bear the thought of Jasper alone with that minx. She could barely trust Jasper, let alone a mad woman with which he had past connections with. She winced every time she imagined Jasper with another woman. Especially the rendezvous she had barged into at the ball. While it was hardly weeks ago, it felt like ages had passed by and torn at her bones. Even Jasper waking her up late last night had exhausted her.

"Arabella?" Jasper stood at the bottom of the stairs, gazing at her and looking quite confused. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

She laughed gently, almost bitterly. "You would like that, wouldn't you?"

He recoiled from the edge of the stairs, even though she perched at the top.

She was slightly surprised that her words had hurt him. Usually, he would have chuckled or snapped that it was none of her business. "I-" she began but he interrupted her. His eyes were once again cold and unwelcoming.

"If that is how you portray me, why should I disagree?" He calmly replied, and that scared her more than his usual snapping. With the whip of his coat tails, he disappeared.

She stood there, perched on the step, confused as to how she felt. His mother came stumbling into the hall. The Duchess's hair was in disarray and her complexion was blanched. "Are you all right?" Arabella managed to raise her voice above a whisper. It still hurt the logical side of her that he could confuse her so much. Internally, she knew she loved him. Trying not to groan, she attempted to focus on his mother.

The Duchess's pale hands pressed against her forehead. Her veins were more obvious than usual.

"Just a little headache, dear. No need to fret," she muttered, walking to the head of the stairs. She was swaying alarmingly and Arabella feared for her safety. "Perchance a tad dizzy."

"Duchess! If you forgive my boldness, I advise you to seek a bed or chair!" She cried, hurrying over.

Arabella couldn't control her fear as the dizzy Duchess swayed too far and stumbled down the steps. She let out a glass shattering scream and jump down the steps as far as her short legs would allow her without falling herself. Jasper was there in an instant. No longer arrogantly snapping his coattails, Arabella noted. But now was not the moment for spite and pettiness. She had grown fond of the Duchess in the short time they'd known each other. Besides sharing a mutual dislike of Delilah, the Duchess had also married higher than her rank and had been thrown into a new, strict household.

Arabella held her trembling hand above the usually prim mouth. She almost sobbed with relief when she felt breath. "She is alive!"

"Call for the doctor!" Jasper yelled, almost screaming. For the first time, he was vulnerable without being intoxicated. "Hell's teeth! I do it myself!" he roared, not even grabbing his coat. Arabella gently squeezed the Duchess's limp hand.

She began to wonder what had caused this sudden illness. She had been fatigued before, but surely not even cause to fall down stairs? It was suspicious. Suspicious, indeed.


Jasper's chest shook with a ragged breath as he practically leaped off his horse. The beautiful beast was soaked in a layer of foaming sweat. He was dismayed to see her in such a distressed state but his mother was at stake. He rushed into the young man's small village house. "Sir! I need your help at once!"

He turned, smiling brightly. "It's not everyday the legendary Duke grants this hamlet with his presence. What can I do to help you?"

He almost wanted to strangle the doctor for his small speech. On the other hand, he wanted to praise him for brevity. Most men would have begged to be forgiven of their debts or continued rambling some nonsense about his title.

He licked his dry lips, panting. "My m-mother! She's collapsed down a flight of stairs!"

The doctor's eyes widened and he immediately began to pack his medical instruments. "How long ago?" His care free demeanor had suddenly become serious.

"I rushed over this way immediately. In fact, my horse is not fit to ride at the moment."

The doctor hurried out the door. "Very well. You are most welcome to join me in my small vehicle."

Jasper could only pray that she would regain consciousness.


Almost to 50k!!!!!!

Thank you for waiting so patiently! We will be on schedule for the most part (every Friday) now that one got the plot going. Plot twist, right? This is going to change a lot of things.

I wonder what caused her mysterious illness... And who will be blamed.... *wink*wink*

Dedicated to nkorenica

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