Look who's dropped by

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Chicago winter where cold, and they always have been. Snow may have been moved out of the roads by a city worker who probably hated their job, but the streets where still full of the stuff. As they drove into the Chicago city limits, snow was already falling. To Emily, there was nothing more peaceful than the falling snow, as she looked around she saw the tops of the Silo's - and that night came back to her. Emily turned her face to see Severide looking directly at her, he knew that there was something going on - but he thought she may just be nervous about seeing Jay again. 

Severide was dropping Emily off at the 21st Precinct where she was supposed to be attending a meeting with the Intelligence team to announce just who was their new FBI Liaison was. As Emily walking into the Precinct, Platt was the first to see her. She stood at the front desk with a smirk on her face. "Look who's dropped by" Platt said "You missed my wedding" She told Emily, a little annoyed with Emily. 

"I was going to come, but I caught a case" Emily told Platt, not letting her mind wonder back to that case again. It wasn't worth the hassle. "Did you get my present?" Emily asked, referencing the $575 Wedgwood vase that Emily had sent for the wedding. Platt nodded at her, and thanked her for the present since she didn't have to. 

"What can I do for you today? Jay didn't mention that you where visiting" Platt said. 

"I'm the new Liaison for the FBI" Emily said, flashing her FBI badge to Platt. 

"The team is out, but you are more than welcome to wait upstairs" Platt said, Emily nodded as she was buzzed into the Intelligence squad room. As she wondered up the stairs, the first thing she saw was the pin board that was full with pictures of victims and suspects. Emily walked into Voights office and sat down on the chair near his desk. Emily must have been sat there for nearly 30 minutes before Voight returned. Instead of saying anything to her, Voight walked into the office closing to door behind him. 

"What are you doing here?" Voight asked, part of him - although he would never admit it - he was worried that Emily would tell someone about what happened that night. It was only when he saw the box of her personal affects, that it dawned on him that she was probably the FBI Liaison that he was told was coming. "I'm guessing your the liaison?" 

"That'd be me" Emily said, looking towards him. Voight took a seat at his desk, looking directly at her. 

"I didn't think you'd come back to my city" Voight said to her, his face as cold as it usually is. In reality he admired Emily, she had the strength to take out someone who was willing to kill people she loved. Voight himself would do this to. But, Emily went to a dark place that night. It was like she got some sort of pleasure out of killing Fisher. Voight understood this kind of pleasure, the thrill of winning over a killer. Knowing that no one else would suffer at the hands of this man. He worried though. He worried that she wouldn't be able to come back from this. That everything he was seeing in front of him was a facade. One only he could see through. 

"I didn't chose to come back here, I was instructed that this would be my new post" Emily said, her voice coming off a little hostile. "I'm your ally, Voight. Not your enemy. Now if you don't mind, I was promised an office" Emily said, standing up from her seat and looking out towards the rest of the team. When Jay's eyes landed on her, shock radiated off his face before he turned around and walked away. Emily knew that she would have to win him back over, but she wasn't sure what she could say. 

Voight showed Emily to her office, right next to the break room. After she placed her things away it was sign out time for everyone. Erin and Emily where one of the last people to leave the station, both of them walking together but not knowing what to say. It had become a little awkward between them. Erin was Emily's friend, but she was also Jay's girlfriend. "Can you give this to Jay?" Emily asked, pulling out a piece of paper from her back pocket. Erin nodded before getting in her car and driving off. 

Emily watched the car retreat away, as she thought about making up with her brother - she was knocked out of her thoughts by the sound of Severide pulling up next to her. "Hey" Emily said, looking at him as she climbed into the car. Their ride home was filled with silence, as much as Severide wanted to ask how her day went he knew that he would probably just be met with a cold answer. When they finally got home, Emily walked straight into the apartment and flopped onto the couch with Severide not to far behind her. Severide sat next to her and pulled her into his chest. Her head resting on him, he wrapped his arm around her waist as she snuggled into him. 

"I already hate this job" She said into his chest. Severide laughed a little at her actions. Instead of saying anything back to her, he just pulled her closer. "I get that Jay and I left everything on a sour note, but I thought that coming back he would at least talk to me. But today he just walked out" Emily said.

"Just give him time" Severide told her. Emily looked up at him, taking in all his features before speaking again.

"Okay" Emily said, Severide kissed her head as she closed her eyes. "I missed this" Emily said. During her stint in Washington, Severide and Emily had spent a lot of time on face-time to each other - but it wasn't the same as being together for real. These are the things she missed. Just being close together. Sometimes, it's the little things you miss.

Just a filler chapter.


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