She doesn't like change

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The next three months after the incident, where difficult on both Emily and Severide. After staying in Chicago another three days, hoping to track down Chris Fisher - Hotch had made the decision to take the team back to Washington DC. The official theory was that Chris found out that the team was getting close, so he cut his losses and left the city. Only Voight, Emily and Roman knew what had happened. Erin may not officially know what exactly happened on that night, but she was aware of what happened. But Erin had chosen not to say anything, since she didn't want to cause a rift between herself and Jay. 

When Emily finally got home to Washington, she was pulled into a meeting with the Director of the FBI as well as Hotch. The Director had informed Emily that she would be joining the Intelligence team as an FBI Liaison Officer between the two teams. Apparently, Hotch had heard about the position and couldn't think of anyone better to join the team. Intelligence was aware that they would be having a new member of the team, but they didn't know who it was. Voight had chosen not to say anything, since it seemed like a good surprise. Emily had wondered what would happen now, since she was a part of CPD. 

One thing that she did know. Secrets don't stay hidden forever. 

Severide and Emily had been spending more and more time together over the last three months. Since they where both off on weekends, either Emily would go to Chicago - or he would come to Washington DC. Secretly, Emily thought that Severide was starting to like DC. Emily had shown him around the BAU office, and he really seemed to be getting along well with her team. Garcia had told Severide that if he was to hurt Emily, then he would have to deal with her entire team and they had guns. Severide started to laugh this off, but when he noticed that the rest of Emily's team had their hands on their weapons - he stopped laughing. 

"Babe, they're messing" Emily said, as she and Severide walked into her office. He was the only one that knew about her transfer back to Chicago, so he had come up the weekend before she was due to start - making sure she was ready to move back. Emily closed the office door behind her, laughing a little as she listened to Severide talk about how he wasn't sure that Garcia liked him. "Penelope, well. She doesn't like change" Emily told him. 

While the rest of her team was hunting down Chris Fisher, Emily stayed with either Will or Severide - making sure they were both okay. While she and Severide sat together, neither of them spoke. They just stayed in the moment. Together. Emily was scared that if she started talking about how she felt when he was missing, she might tell him about what she did. Even though she did it to finally end the rein of terror Fisher was putting over her and her family. Emily knew that Severide would hate her for it. He didn't need to know that side of her existed. 

As they sat together, their hands had connected and interlocked together. Severide knew that he would have to let go soon, she needed to return to Washington, but he didn't want to lose this time with her. 

"When do you go back to Washington?" Severide asked, his voice broke the silence that had gathered for nearly 12 hours. He knew he was going to hate the answer she would give, because no matter how long they had left together - it wasn't enough. Emily looked at her lap before speaking. 

"We leave tomorrow morning" Emily said, a tear leaving her eye as she spoke. "Kelly ... Can I tell you something?" Emily asked, Severide nodded back at her. "When I first joined CPD, I did it because I was sick of getting the call to say there was another body. I never thought I'd find someone as amazing as you. And for everything that's happened. I'm sorry. Maybe, if I wasn't so damaged, we'd be able to be together" She said, Emily's grasp on Severide's hand was still solid. And he returned it. 

"I love you" Was all Severide said back to her. It was like, as long as he told her that, nothing else mattered. It didn't matter what had happened between them. It didn't matter that they'd played each other. He loved her. She loved him. Like a fairy tale. 

"I think we should have her come to Chicago for a visit" Severide said, Emily thought for a moment - just wondering what Penelope would be like walking around a firehouse with male firefighters all around her. It made her chuckle for a moment, like a cat going after a mouse. She nodded, agreeing on having the strange blonde or whatever hair colour she was that week, coming to visit. "Are you okay?" Severide asked, wondering what was going on with the girl who he called his girlfriend. 

"Yeah" Emily said in reply. 


"I just haven't spoken to Jay since I left. He wasn't happy with my decision to come back to Washington" Emily said, thinking back to her fight with her brother just before she came back to Washington. 

"What's this I hear about you going back to DC?" Jay asked his sister, obviously Will had mentioned it to Jay. Given the fact that Emily should have been the one to tell Jay herself, she could understand why he was angry at her. When Emily didn't answer, Jay went off on one. But who could blame him. "Really, Em? Your leaving, after all this shit" 

"Jay, I'm sorry" Emily had said, trying to calm her brother down. "Everywhere I go, I cause trouble. I need to go away and stay away" She said, hoping her brother would understand how she felt. Because of her, Will had trouble sleeping at night. Even though he had been talking to Dr Charles about what had happened, it only helped him a little. It didn't help that Will didn't know that Chris was dead. Maybe if he did, Will would feel safer. "You have to understand that Jay" 

"You know what Em. I'm going to tell you this now. If you leave Chicago, don't you dare bother coming back" Jay said "And I don't want any contact with you again" And with that, Jay walked away. Emily didn't know what to say to him, part of her knew that there was nothing she could say to stop this argument with her brother. Jay was a stubborn son of a bitch. Emily and Dean where that alike, she knew that she was better off just leaving him alone. So, she left. The next morning she turned up at the tarmac early and sat on the plane, waiting for her team to show up so they could leave. Emily had no idea that in the next few days she would be getting re-assigned to the Intelligence task force. 

"Your family. Jay will be glad when you come home" Severide said, trying to convince her that everything was going to be okay. But really, he wasn't sure. When Jay spoke, he seemed serious. Part of Severide felt guilty that he understood exactly where Jay was coming from, since he too wanted to go crazy when Emily told him she was going home so soon. He knew that if he wanted any chance with her, he couldn't say anything. Part of him knew though, she would come back soon. Chicago is her home after all. "Is this the last box?" Severide asked. Emily looked around at her bare office before nodding at him. 

"Yeah, all boxed up and ready to go" Emily said, giving Severide a smile before walking out of the office and closing the door behind her. As the wondered over towards the lifts, her team was there. All of them ready to say goodbye for the final time. They had always been a family so every member of the team that left felt like a heartbreak. After all saying their goodbyes, Emily and Severide left. 

They drove back to Chicago, Severide drove while Emily just watched the road. She watched the changing weather, smiling at they got closer and closer to Chicago. Both of them wanted a new start. Which, hopefully, was exactly what they where going to get. 

"Hey. I love you"

"I love you too" 

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