Where are you?

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Jay wondered back into his apartment, usually at this time of night Emily was watching an episode of CSI. Even after all she had seen as an FBI Agent, she was still very much into the reruns of the original series. It always made Jay laugh when she would complain about the interrogation techniques that were used on the show. "Em" Jay shouted after noticing that she wasn't seated in her normal spot. He wondered into his kitchen, opening the fridge to get a beer. "Em!" Jay shouted again. When he got no reply he wondered around the apartment, wondering where his sister was.   

After looking around and not finding her, Jay picked up his phone and called her. He waited for a while before the phone went to voicemail. "You've reached Emily Halstead. Please leave me a detailed message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can" Emily's voice mail message said. 

"Hey Em. I've just got home. Where are you? Call me back, yeah" Jay said after the beep, when he finished speaking he hung up the phone. As he sat down on his couch, a letter sat on his coffee table caught his attention. Without a second thought, he picked it up. 


By the time you are reading this, I will have left. I'm sorry that I didn't speak to you first, but this is something I needed to do. If I'm honest with you, if I came to see you - I probably wouldn't have left. Leaving you and Will isn't what I wanted to do. But by now, I'm probably outside the city limits. And at this moment, I don't plan on coming back.

I know you will be mad, and I can't blame you. It's just, ever since I came home - I messed everything up. Out of everyone, I can't hurt you and Will. I couldn't live with myself if I did. 

In the next 24 hours my phone will have been disconnected. Please don't call me. Over the next few weeks I may in fact reach out to you. But when I do, it won't be because I want to come home. You'll get a letter through your door with my new phone number on. Give it to Will to please. But no one else. I need to leave everyone else behind. 

I'm sorry.


As Jay read the letter his sister had left him, he felt a wave of anger come over him. As quickly as he could he called Will, telling him that their sister had left without a word. The brothers spoke for a while, hoping to get a better grasp of why she had left. "She was fine last night" Jay said, he repeated those words over and over again in his head. She was fine last night. All Jay could think about was what made his sister run away. 

While Jay sat in his apartment wondering if there was anything he could have done to get Emily to stay, Severide was sat in his apartment hoping that he wasn't to hard on Emily. Even though he was still furious with her, he loved her. Severide couldn't stay mad at her for long. For a moment, Severide thought about calling her - but he didn't want her to think he was running back to her. There was no way she would leave anyway, he knew his best chance to talk to her would be during next shift. At least then he could pull her into his office to talk. 

Severide wondered into Firehouse 51, only to be told that he would be needed in the meeting room in 10 minutes. With some speed, Severide got changed and wondered into the meeting room. All the crew members of Firehouse 51 where already there, waiting to hear whatever news they had all been called in for. Severide noticed that Emily wasn't in there, he quickly pulled out his phone and sent her a quick text. 'Where are you?'. Severide then proceeded into the meeting room. 

"Okay. I've got some news" Chief Boden said, everyone's attention quickly went to him. "This morning I was informed that Emily Halstead would not be returning to Firehouse 51" Chief Boden said. Matt and Gabby looked directly at Severide, who turned around and walked out. "We had all been instructed not to reach out to her. If it is Emily would like to return to us in the future, I've made it very clear that she is always welcome back here. We are her family, and we will respect her decision" Chief Boden told everyone. "Any questions?" He asked.

"What did Emily say?" Gabby asked. 

"Emily apologised that it was last minute, but she had to leave last night. Emily made it clear that there was a chance she would reach out, but she will contact you. She told me that her phone number will be deactivated so it will be a waste of time calling her" Chief Boden said before dismissing everyone. Gabby went straight to Severide's office to see him in a heated conversation on the phone, she knocked on his office door and straight away he waved her in. 

"I'll call you back" Severide said before turning to Gabby. "I didn't think she'd leave" He said, Gabby saw the pain in his eyes as he spoke. She pulled him into a hug for a moment. 

"Chief said she'll reach out in the new few weeks. I suppose we'll have to talk to her then" Gabby said. 

Both Gabby and Severide knew that they weren't about to give up on contacting her. Since the day they met, Gabby had called Emily her best friend - she wasn't going to lose another best friend without a fight. While Severide was determined to get the girl he loved back into his arms. Part of him knew that she would be angry at him to, but he truly believed that if they spoke again, they could work on their relationship.  

In the Intelligence office, the team was working on solving a gang land shootout that left 5 people dead and two more fighting for their lives. While the team worked, Mouse had been given his own little mission. Finding a way to contact Emily. So far, he had come to the conclusion that she was working for the FBI's BAU again. Even after the team had solved the case, Mouse was still working. Emily was like a sister to him to. There was no way he would give up on finding out as much as he could without a fight. Finally after a whole day for trying, he was able to find a contact number for Penelope Garcia. The technical analyst that Emily worked with.

Jay thought that he was the first one to ask Mouse to find a way to track Emily down, he was wrong. It had been Voight. Voight was very clear with his instructions when he told Mouse that anything he found was to be run through him first. Mouse scribbled down Penelope Garcia's phone number before walking towards his Sargent's office. "Sarg, this is the phone number of the technical analyst that Emily works with. If anyone can get in contact with her, its Penelope Garcia" Mouse said, Voight nodded before dismissing him for the night. As Mouse left the office, Voight picked up his office phone and called the number he had been given. 

"Oracle of Quantico. Speak if you deign to hear truth" Penelope Garcia's voice said.

"Penelope Garcia?" Voight questioned, wondering if he had gotten through to the right person. 

"Who's this?" 

"Sargent Hank Voight. CPD" Voight said.

"Did we meet in Chicago last month?" Garcia asked, casting her mind back to when she was in Chicago - she shuddered at the thought. 

"Yes. I'm wanting to get in touch with Emily Halstead" Voight said. 

"I'm sorry, Sergeant Voight - but, I've been told not to give Emily's new phone number out without consulting her first. I'll have a talk with her and see what she says. Now, if you'll excuse me. I've got a serial killer to stop" Garcia said, Voight said a quick 'bye' before hanging up the phone. 

Hey guys, 

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