How can you possibly know that?

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After the every awkward exchange between Emily and Severide, they had both gone their own ways. Emily had returned to the precinct. It took her only a few minutes to get up to date with the case. Severide had gone back into the hospital, hoping to tell Gabby his big master plan - especially since he knew she would be the most likely one to help him. As he explained his plan to her, Gabby nodded along. They both new that the plan was insane, but they where going to go along with it anyway.

Emily listened to the information her team had been able to gather on this new serial killer in her absence. The Intelligence team was amazed with just how fast the members of the BAU where able to come up with a working profile of the serial killer they where hunting. When Hotch announced that the is killer wasn't going to kill anymore people for at least the next 24 hours, this took Voight back. "How can you possibly know that?" Ruzek had asked, Emily decided to answer that question.

"Trust me Ruzek, of all people. Your not ready to know just how good we are" Emily answered, smirking a little when she saw the look on Ruzek's face at her answer. Jay and Erin laughed at little at Emily's response. "Shall we go and get some sleep?" Emily asked her team, they all shared a look before agreeing and making their way to the cars, driving to Emily's house in silence.

While Morgan and Emily where used to the Chicago winter nights, it was safe to say that for the other members of their team - this was hell. According to JJ, it didn't matter just how high Emily put the heating - the house was still like living in a bucket of ice. Emily didn't understand what she meant really, since she was walking around in a pair of leggings and a vest top. It had been a while since Emily slept in her own bed, in Washington she was moving from Hotel to Hotel. Not staying in the same place more than two nights - since she knew that anything longer than that was a risk that she wasn't willing to take.

Everyone in the house was awake by 5 am, including a very grouchy Derek Morgan. Reid and Emily where sat in the kitchen while she cooked some pancakes for them, standing in the kitchen took her back to the memory of making pancakes for Severide. She shook her head, knocking the thought out of her mind. After breakfast the team made their way to the precinct, everyone except Emily. She went to see Gabby, there was no way she was going back to the case before checking on her friend. Emily knew that Gabby would be at the Firehouse. So that's where Emily went.

As Emily walked into the Firehouse, it was like her first day all over again. She found herself scared to go back in, but she faced her fear and walked in anyway. In the bay, Squad 3 was sat in their usual space. Playing a game of cards and relaxing. Severide wasn't with them, leaving Emily to guess that he was sitting in his office finishing some paperwork. Instead of going to check on Gabby straight away, Emily decided to go and talk to Chief Boden. Emily had always found that Boden was always supportive of her, especially when she decided to leave. When Emily had called him and told him she was leaving, he didn't question her reasons instead he informed her that she would always have a place in Firehouse 51 - if she ever wanted to come back.

Chief Boden was a little shocked to see Emily, but the moment she walked into his office - he still pulled her into a hug and told her that he was happy to see her again. Even though she had only been at the Firehouse of around 10 months, it still felt like a second home to Emily. "How are you Wallace?" Emily asked, since she no longer had to call him Chief.

"I'm good" Boden said to her, closing the office door behind her and taking a seat at his desk. "Can I ask why your back?" He asked her, wondering if she was going to ask for her place back on Squad 3. 

"I'm working a case, and I thought I'd come see how Gabby was doing" Emily said, knowing what Boden would have already been thinking. 

"I thought you might be coming in to look for Severide" Wallace said.

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