The Windy city needs our winged avengers

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It was three weeks after Emily had left Chicago, when she finally reached out to her brothers. While Jay was mad, angry that Emily hadn't even told him she was thinking of leaving. He soon let this anger go after a few minutes of talking with his sister. Will was glad to hear his sisters voice again after all those weeks, and like usual - he didn't hold any hard feelings towards Emily. 

Out of everyone she knew from the firehouse, Emily reached out to Gabby first. The day they had first spoken on the phone, Gabby hung up - angry that her best friend was calling her after leaving so suddenly. Then almost 10 minutes later, she called back. The two friends stayed up all night, talking before they both had to hang up. Gabby had in formed Emily on all the gossip in the house. The most exciting piece of news was that Platt and Mouch where getting married, and Emily was invited. Even though it was known that there was a good chance she wouldn't show up.

It was 9 am when Emily finally sat down in her office. Since she had formally excepted the job offer, Hotch had made arrangements for her to have her old office again. Something which Emily was grateful for.Even though the office was hers, and it had been before - it felt different. The FBI Agent wondered about being back, had she made the right decision. Emily looked to her left, noticing the stack of case files near her. It was at that moment, when she realised that she needed to be here - catching this bastards before they killed more people.

"We've got a case" The voice of Penelope Garcia said, knocking Emily out of her thoughts. "I've missed you being here" Garcia said with the classic Baby Girl smile that Emily loved. 

"I missed being here too" Emily said to Garcia as they walked into the round table room. Emily rook a seat in between Morgan and Rossi. Garcia and Hotch stood closer to the flat screen were they would present the facts of the case.

"Halstead, you might want to sit this one out" Hotch said to her.

"Why?" Emily asked. 

"The Windy City needs our winged avengers" Garcia said, watching as Emily closed her eyes for a second before opening them again. She had lasted 3 months without having to back back to Chicago, and now she had to go back. "Last night, two police officers where killed while out on patrol" Garcia informed the team, pressing down on the remote she had in her hand and making the photographs of the dead officers appear on screen.

"They both worked in the 21st District. We are setting up with the Intelligence task force" Hotch said, picking up his file. "Wheels up in 30. Halstead, walk with me" Hotch said, Emily nodded and walked with him to his office. "If you want to sit this one out, no one would blame you. We can solve with case without you" Hotch told the woman standing beside him.

"I'm not sitting out on a case" Emily told Hotch. "I'll be okay" She said, walking out of his office and straight towards hers - picking up her go bag before making her way to the plane. By the time she had arrived at the tarmac, everyone else was waiting on the plane for her. For a moment, Emily thought about texting her brothers and letting them know she was coming back, but Jay would soon find out for himself. There was no question in Emily's mind to why Voight had brought her team in. Intelligence could have solved this case without them, but he wanted the team there. 

The flight was short and sweet, but you could feel the tension that had seemed to engulf the plane. Both Morgan and Reid would take sly glances at Emily, making sure that she was keeping everything together - and instead of saying anything, she acted like she hadn't noticed these glances. "Where are we staying?" Emily asked, hoping to break the awkward silence. 

"Garcia is still trying to book us in somewhere" Hotch told everyone.

"Why don't we stay at my place?" Emily asked. "It's big enough for us all and it's free" Emily said, watching as Hotch looked around the plane to see if the other members of the team where okay with this - before turning around and nodding at Emily. Hotch picked up his phone and called Garcia, telling her that they had found somewhere to stay.

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