30. The Dangerous-Secrets Cliché

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in which, you witness a dangerous secret

Plot Twist: *and you practically run towards it

                I was back in the lighthouse, and the sky was painted with that in-between state I've always liked. It was the moment after the storm, when the sky is dim and no longer as heavy, but there was no sun too. The in-between state where everything is like a hazy, foggy dream, and not a messy reality. I wasn't dangling by the railing, but instead, in the balcony, back against the smooth wall, staring into the perfect views of Michigan. Even the ocean was calm below me.

"I'm not a prince." A voice beside me spoke, and when I turned, Percy was here. Like me, his back was against the wall, no longer dangling, just admiring the view. "I'm not a hero, too."

This is Dream Percy. Real-Percy would be arrogant and snarky and teasing, all harsh angles and defined jaws. Dream Percy is soft like shadow-play, smudged charcoal drawings, and rubbed pencil marks. Like the sky, he, too, was a hazy, foggy dream.

"I know." I told him, but I didn't hear my voice. It was muted, but my mouth still moved and my throat still worked and Dream Percy still heard. I knew what I said, but I didn't know how it sounded.

Dream Percy did not smile. "I could be, though." He said, his voice that of underwater conversations. Muted too. "I could be one, for you. Just say yes."

It would have been so easy to say yes, or to nod, or to tell him "Okay, cool, save me, then."

But there was a blood-curdling scream that sent me standing straight. There was a single, white-knuckled hand, clinging tightly on a single, flailing piece of board. I wouldn't have noticed it at first, if it weren't for the desperate screaming that reached my ears.

Carefully, I peeked over the edge to check who it was. With much horror, I found a familiar strawberry blonde, her curly hair whipping around her tear-streaked face, her ears burning red. Meg, Meg, Meg, Meg!

I turned towards Percy, pointing a trembling figure at Meg "Percy!" I shouted, my voice still quiet "Percy, help her!"

"I'm not a prince." Dream Percy shook his head, thick, soft hair swaying along.

"Meg, hold on for a little longer, please." I tried to assure Meg, but she couldn't hear me. She just kept on screaming, sobbing, flailing.

"I'm not a hero." Dream Percy repeated like a broken record.

I tried to edge towards the railing, but white spots danced around my vision, and my heart started to beat faster than normal. Ground yourself. Save Meg.

I can't. Too scared, too much. Too fast, too fast. I can't.

Frustrated, I charged down at Percy "Help Meg! What are you doing?! Save Meg, that's our friend!"

"I'm not a prince. I'm not her prince." He defended, eyes stormy, sitting against the wall like he was still enjoying the view.

"Please, please, please!" Meg screamed from below. "Someone, please!" She sobbed, and my eyes blurred.

"I-I can't!" I cried out "Percy, please. Please. Please save her."

"I'm not a hero. I'm not her hero." He insisted, refusing to move. Below us, Meg was helplessly crying.

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